RB - ideas for solo play

By Harry_Lime2, in Runebound

After some heavy RB gaming in recent months, my two regular gamer mates are now away - leaving me to spend time thinking about some of ways I could play solo that make it challenging.

Appreciate any ideas or suggestions from forum members.

harry_lime said:

After some heavy RB gaming in recent months, my two regular gamer mates are now away - leaving me to spend time thinking about some of ways I could play solo that make it challenging.

Appreciate any ideas or suggestions from forum members.

I don't think you really need to change anything. Considering how little the heroes interact (without going out of their way to do so) you can just play X heroes solo and see what happens. This is a big selling point among the forumites who enjoy solo play.

harry_lime said:

After some heavy RB gaming in recent months, my two regular gamer mates are now away - leaving me to spend time thinking about some of ways I could play solo that make it challenging.

Appreciate any ideas or suggestions from forum members.

When you play solo, always use the Doom Track variant. It will make things very difficult but when you understand that you have to discard no Encounter cards if possible and only kill valuable Challenges (flee from unworthy Challenges) you'll understand how strong each Character is. When you play with only 1 Hero, you have access to all Markets with no interference by other players, but you have limited time and you can't recover from a failure (knock-out), otherwise you won't be able to improve the Hero before time runs out with the Doom Track.

Solo playing helps you know the game, when you can switch to difficult Challenges and what Item/Ally combos work better. Since I own the game as you do, I played a lot solo (mostly last winter when I was ill for about 2 weeks) and now I can say that I'm winning around 50% of the games, because I know better that the others.

Remeber, always play with the Doom Track, otherwise winning will be a really simple task!

Runebound is best on solo with MrSkeleton's "Guide to Play Solo" rules. The guide doesn't use doom track but Threat Track from Midnight expansion (don't worry, you can use it without Midnight expansion too). It works better than Doom track, and includes rules for most of the expansions too.

Boardgamegeek has lots of Runebound stuff. Here is links to threat track picture and MrSkeletor's rules:

Threat track picture can be downloaded from: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/filepage/55482/grayscale-threat-track?

MrSkeletor's solo rules can be found from: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/filepage/49058/runebound-solo-rules