Thunking about getijng into the game. Expansions question.

By Ken on Cape, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

After looking at this game online for a bit, I am very interested in picking this up. I was just wondering, is there an order I should buy the expansions in?

No order, but it is adviced to get Well of Darkness, Altar of Despair or Tomb of Ice before getting Road to Legend or Sea of Blood. There are some things in the Advanced Campaign expansions (RtL and SoB) that requires at least one of the others.

Knuckles Eki said:

No order, but it is adviced to get Well of Darkness, Altar of Despair or Tomb of Ice before getting Road to Legend or Sea of Blood. There are some things in the Advanced Campaign expansions (RtL and SoB) that requires at least one of the others.

That's not entirely true. There are components in the AC expansions you won't be able to use without the matching vanilla expansion, but they are few in number and the Advanced Campaign can be played perfectly well without them.

I think ToI has it's own AC components in the vanilla expansion box. Which means if you choose to buy that one first you'll have some AC components you can't use until you get at least one of the two AC expansions. I haven't looked too closely to see if there's new ToI stuff in SoB, but I don't think so. There certainly wasn't any ToI stuff in RtL since RtL came out first.

FFG has a habit - a good habit IMHO - about not making any single expansion box dependent on anything other than the base box. There may be a few extra bits here and there, but 95% of each expansion can be used with only the original Journeys in the Dark.

I meant the treachery, Steve-O. Without any of the other expansions, simplified treachery would have to be used.

My order of recommendation is as follows:

PLAY THE BASE GAME A LITTLE BIT FIRST! You won't believe how many idiots there are that $200+ on this game with all expansions and then end up here on the forums (or at BGG, especially) complaining how Descent isn't an RPG, and so on. Try the base game out before pulling the trigger on $200 worth of expansions.

After that, if you feel that the heroes are having a rough time, Tomb of Ice adds a nice mechanic that buffs heroes slightly. If the Overlord is taking it hard, then Well of Darkness and Altar of Despair are nice. The advanced campaigns are separate from the other expansions (for the most part) and provide a (slightly) more narrative approach to the game with character/OL progression and item acquiring.

ddavidc said:

My order of recommendation is as follows:

PLAY THE BASE GAME A LITTLE BIT FIRST! You won't believe how many idiots there are that $200+ on this game with all expansions and then end up here on the forums (or at BGG, especially) complaining how Descent isn't an RPG, and so on. Try the base game out before pulling the trigger on $200 worth of expansions.

I would second that idea wholeheartedly. If you happen to know a store where people frequently hang out and actually play games, see if you can get someone to run you through a game or two of Descent first, so you know what it's like. If not, definitely start with the base game only and worry about expansions later.

Not only will this prevent you from dropping ridiculous amounts of money on a game you may not like, but the game does have a decided learning curve to it, especially for heroes, so it helps to start off with just the basics.