RTL Dungeon 42: The Secret Garden

By dred2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

This is a dungeon from Tomb of Ice. It says in the trees you get shadowcloak and i have shades which have ghost so doing this would them invulnerable correct? seems game breaking is that the intent of this level? or are the rules different with RTL and trees.

How would the heroes kill a shade in the tree wtih ghost and shadowcloak?

Dred said:

1. This is a dungeon from Tomb of Ice. It says in the trees you get shadowcloak and i have shades which have ghost so doing this would them invulnerable correct? seems game breaking is that the intent of this level? or are the rules different with RTL and trees.

2. How would the heroes kill a shade in the tree wtih ghost and shadowcloak?

1. Not correct.

2. With a Ranged or Magic attack from an adjacent space.

Figures with the Ghost ability cannot be attacked by adjacent figures using a melee attack .

A figure with the Shadowcloak ability is only affected by attacks made by adjacent figures

+1 to Corbon. Ghost + Shadowcloak is a powerful combination, but it doesn't make the target invulnerable by any means.