Heresy! It's a crossover Heresy! Juicers in 40k!

By Cailieg, in Dark Heresy House Rules

Okay so going through some old game books I came across Juicer Uprising, and thought to myself in the Grim Dark Future of the 41st Millenium can I see Juicers being created by Magos who study enhancing human physiology? And the answer was hell yes.

JUICE TECH Advertisement!

Life is cheap in the 41st Millenium, so why not get more bang for your buck with the limited meat you have? Now you can, with handy dandy juice technology, gone are the days of needing abhumans to lift heavy things.With the administration of our amazing formula you can turn average men into the Ubermensch you need to accomplish all your "Good Works". Juice those serfs like never before, and make certain those useless fleshbags serve you and our God Emperor to the best of their ability! Worry not about these powerhouses threatening your rule, they wont last more than a handful of years anyways! Get your juice and turn the power loose in your servants TODAY!

*Please note use of Juice Technology not sanctioned by the Adeptus Mechanicus, any use of said technology is considered Heresy of a Heretek nature and the culprit can expect purging by Holy STC Weaponry. The Inquisition and Administratum vehemently deny any use of Juice Technology by the Imperium of Mankind, further questions resulted in termination of our rep by the holy Ordo Hereticus. *

Juicer conversions were not hard to write up, running a couple playtests on the following conversions before putting them up. Omega Juicer (Think mega but more term appropriate to the 40k setting), Titan Juicer, Hyperion Juicer and Delphi Juicer. Which basically equate to all around boost, str/tou boost, agi/spd boost, and psi boost. Stats coming after playtests.



kinda reminds me of fabius bile

Might make for an interesting Here-tek Cult style adventure or campaign, but i wouldn't do it player side unless your going for radicals, and even then, the built in limitations on lifespan would make them appear to be nothing more than cheaper shock troops , at least from my perscpetive, and i've been playing Rifts for years

There's a lot of ways these ideas can be worked in already. The injector rigs from the Inquisitor's Handbook loaded with combat drugs and stimms, for example. The muscle grafts from Rogue Trader for the increased strength. And the Temple Assassin trait in Ascension . Hell, in many ways, that's exactly what an Eversor is. Chemically augmented super assassin/soldier designed to kill, and kill, and kill.

-=Brother Praetus=-


I love RIFTS but I never liked their own sci-fi space setting (whotzitcalledagain, Scrapers or something?) I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole.

So, Juicers 40K-ified: Love it! :D

Meph said:


I love RIFTS but I never liked their own sci-fi space setting (whotzitcalledagain, Scrapers or something?) I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole.

So, Juicers 40K-ified: Love it! :D

Scrapers was their Super Heroes in space setting, your either thinking of Phase World (more likely) or an older game they released called "The Mechaniod Invasion Trilogy" which was released in the mid 80's as i recall. Either way, neither are bad games, just have less support than core rifts.

I still has an issue with the built in lifespan limitations of Juicers. Sure, you have combat drugs and injector rigs in 40k, but none of it kills you in 5 years.

talsine said:

Meph said:


I love RIFTS but I never liked their own sci-fi space setting (whotzitcalledagain, Scrapers or something?) I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole.

So, Juicers 40K-ified: Love it! :D

Scrapers was their Super Heroes in space setting, your either thinking of Phase World (more likely) or an older game they released called "The Mechaniod Invasion Trilogy" which was released in the mid 80's as i recall. Either way, neither are bad games, just have less support than core rifts.

I still has an issue with the built in lifespan limitations of Juicers. Sure, you have combat drugs and injector rigs in 40k, but none of it kills you in 5 years .

Even when loaded with the end-all be-all of ultra combat drugs, Slam? If you have an enjector-rig filled to the rim with combat drugs, you're not expected to live to a ripe old age or, as one of my players put it the first time they ran into a ganger with one: "whoa, he's got an expiration date..."

Ever since I saw the injector rigs and Slam, I have been thinking of a gladiator culturer based around it and figures a lot like jucers arrising from it all. I like where this idea has gone and I might crib some of it for my self. It alsos got me in a rather nostalgic mood and thinking of other things that could be brought in (most of Rifts is begging to be rifted over ;-) ). Imagine the tech-heresy of creating a Crazy...

Oh, and don't forget the mechanoids made an appearance in Rifts as well in Source Book #2 (I really liked the earlier ones before the continual drive to outdo the last source-book turned things up past eleven) The Mechanoids ;-)

This is not forgotten I am just trying to flesh the entirety of it out and get it all tested.

Between testing things I am writing, running 3 games, a costuming business and assisting my FLGS I sometimes can get going on things and then take a bit to fully finish them. Oh and don't forget prepping for SDCC as well right now hehe.

This and my Heretic Sisters of Battle are both being finished, and should be done in the coming weeks with full write up and flavour text.



Back when I was running a game set in Askelephon Secundus, (see notes in the Fan-Fic forum) there was a bit of a nemisis in an outlawed drug cartel who had a few of these buggers running around... (and yes, I was a big fan of the Juicer Uprising as much as I'm a fan of the SLA Industries Frother :P )

They're cheap, fast and hurt! haha!

Eight T's Chem Slave

WS 38, BS 30, Str 30, Tou 30, Int 25, Per 25 Will 25, Fel 20, Wounds 15 (Sedated)

WS 48, BS 30, Str 40, Tou 40, Int 15, Per 25 Will 45, Fel 20, Wounds 15 (Active)

Movement: 4/8/12/28
Skills: Awareness (Per), Common Lore Imperium (Int) Intimidate +10 (S) Low Gothic (Int) Acrobatics (Ag)
Chem Use +20 (Int) Common Lore Underworld (Int) Dodge +10 (Ag) Climb +10 (Str)
Talents: Basic SP, Pistol SP, Melee Primitive, Quickdraw, Swift Attack (2 melee attacks) Sprint
Armour: Flack Coat- (3) Arms, Legs, Body
Weapons: Mono-Edge great weapon (2D10+4 Pen 4) Hand Cannon (35m: S/-/- 1D10+4 Pen 2 Mag 5)
2 x Fragmentation Grenades (2D10 Blast 4) 2 x Krak Grenades (2D10+4 Pen 6)
Gear: Common Clothes, 4 magazines for pistol, Lowlight Goggles
Implants: Catalyst Injection Harness and Slaughter Chip

8T's Heretek Implants and Weapons

Catalyst Injection Harness
This unparalleled piece of combat implant technology has been developed for the 8T Cartel's logician allies for implantation into otherwise cannon fodder troops making them ferocious killing machines. Loyalty is maintained with a combination of ancillary implants and the regular addition of Chromo, one of the 8T's speciality bio-catalyst drugs which converts the bodies own toxic wastes into immensely dangerous stimulants and steroids. The implant replaces the users own kidneys and liver, Chromo is injected into the system via a port in the abdomen every 30 days, the 8T's are fond of implanting this into their debtors, failed members and anyone else eminently disposable they need to fill the ranks of shock troops. Assuming the implanted individual doesn't die from some violent activity (or the insanity), a critical mass of poisons in the body tissues kill the user from toxic shock eventually, removing the implant kills the user within hours.

+10 Agility, Strength and Toughness, Immune Stun and Fatigue, accumulates 1D10 Insanity points per month.
Trickle Feed rest cycle keeps user sedated for 4hrs a day, equivalent of 1pt of Fatigue
Kills the user after 6+ Toughness months- Cost's 200TG month in Chromo or user dies

Slaughter Chip
Aptly name, the implant is a amalgam of solid stat circuitry, vat grown brain tissue and a fair sized lump of synthetic explosive connected to an encrypted com-bead. Capable of being switched remotely up to 80km away the implant causes the bearer to become psychopathic as the 'animal brain' takes over the users normal faculties, fearing no one and implacably homicidal towards their directed targets, should their use be no longer required, also terminated by the controller. The device is not obvious but can be picked up with an Auspex scanner with a -10 to the Search check, some people don't even know they have it until its too late and end up watching their body commit the most horrific atrocities as a back-seat driver.

Inbuilt Com-Bead and Brain-Bomb: Hits to head- 10% chance to explode doing 1D10X Blast (2) killing user immediately
Causes user to enter psychotic rage and gains Fearless Trait, -10Int, +10WS, +20Will while running
Each use causes 1D5+5 Insanity Points

Graver said:

Even when loaded with the end-all be-all of ultra combat drugs, Slam? If you have an injector-rig filled to the rim with combat drugs, you're not expected to live to a ripe old age or, as one of my players put it the first time they ran into a ganger with one: "whoa, he's got an expiration date..."

That's awesome, Graver. How come that one's not in the "funnest things to hear during a game" thread? Tell that player that they're brilliant for me if you're still gaming with them.


-=Brother Praetus=-