RTL dungeon 34 Reflections

By dred2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

They have these colored ends on the opposite sides of the dungeons one is red and the other is yellow. Nothing explains what the do. All i can gather is that the boss ability says when he uses a magical gateway color does not matter. So i am assuming they work like teleport to the other side of the map with the same color.

Where can i verify this? i just want to confirm thats the way i am supposed to play it.


You should read page 32 of the RTL Rulebook.

They are magic gateways.

In brief, the matching gateways are considered adjacent for movement only (no attacks thru them, neither blast, breath nor aura carry thru them) so a creature can start on the yellow gateway and move thru to the other yellow gateway.

In that particular dungeon, the master manticore threats all magic gateways as tho they were the same colour. So he can move from yellow thru to blue and then use that same blue one to move over to the green gateway etc.

...master manticore treats... not threats sorry

So heroes can use them too just they have to go through the same colors?

Dred said:

So heroes can use them too just they have to go through the same colors?

Yes, and also the monsters. Only the boss can ignore the colour connections and go from any one to any other one, that's the special rule written on the card.