What expansion features would you like to see?

By walterkovacs, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

Arkham horror is a sprawling beast, but more can be added. What features or changes would you like to see in the next expansion?

Well, I hope something like an Innsmouth or Ipswich Horror expansion will see the light during 2009. Just to add some new areas to the main board gui%C3%B1o.gif

But... Once the Call of Cthulhu RPG had different time-settings, the roaring 20's, the victorian age, the middle age and so on. It would be fun having not an expansion set for AH, but a second boardgame with similar rules but set in a different time, i.e. a London Horror set in the 1890.

Turambar said:

Well, I hope something like an Innsmouth or Ipswich Horror expansion will see the light during 2009. Just to add some new areas to the main board gui%C3%B1o.gif

But... Once the Call of Cthulhu RPG had different time-settings, the roaring 20's, the victorian age, the middle age and so on. It would be fun having not an expansion set for AH, but a second boardgame with similar rules but set in a different time, i.e. a London Horror set in the 1890.

Now that is a good idea. Are we allowed to mention games by other companies here? :-)

Settlers of Cataan and Carcassonne have done this. I imagine there are other board type games that have. Of course, as you mention, there are lots of examples of RPGs which have made spin offs rather than simple extensions.

OTOH, I don't think we are done with expansions yet for the base game. Like many others, I look forward to an eventual Innsmouth Horror.

I had a thought last night about a new mechanic for the game. Maybe someone has already created something like this or wants to pick up the idea and do something with it, it would be fine with me.

In any case, the idea revolves around a gate timing mechanic where the longer you leave a gate open at a location the more powerful it becomes somehow. This would be a nice mechanic in the base game or KiY as there are no gate bursts.

As I said, it is just an idea. I dont actually have any thoughts on how it would work, but I know that sometimes in just base game players could allow almost all the gates to open and still not be over the gate limit or doom track. Seems a bit easy. This mechanic idea would be a way to stop this from happening.

Maybe something like a special deck of cards that you draw from each mythos phase and if the card drawn shows a gate that is open then it spits out a monster, maybe even a monster defined by the card to give a more thematic sense to it. For example, an aquatic monster would spawn from Unvisited Isle, or a flying monster from Independence Square.

I think there would be enough room in the idea to develop a small box expansion from it. Maybe roll it into the "All Expansions" fix set everyone keeps asking for.

A variant game - with a new board representing London in the 1890s - would be excellent.

I like the variant settings a lot.

1890's London sounds cool. Also what about the 'Delta Green' setting?

Wasn't a fan of Delta Green. It felt the same as when Ravenloft tried to do a Victorian England line. It just felt wrong.

Using something like Tannhauser's pathfinding system could be interesting. You could grab investifators/neighbours who heard strange things in a the house next door and check it out. It'd be good for introducing more Lovecraft elements and more interaction with the monsters and environment.

It wouldn't be able to span cities, but there would provide plenty of scenarios, like escaping from a horde of star spawn or trying to keep the dunwhich horror from destroying entering town

I love the idea of variants.

The London game would go straight to the top of my want list.

However, it would be even better if the smaller expansions (I am really thinking King in Yellow) could be used in conjunction with them.

If I were the King of FFG, I would like to see the Innsmouth expansion to be also playable as a separate game, and not just an expansion. I would love to see an expansion of just Ancient Ones, Investigators, Heralds and Guardians.

Since I'm dreaming, a Dreamlands expansion, or add a separate global map where investigators can travel to Egypt, Antarctica, etc for global scenarios.

And finally, an Lovecraftian game kind of styled like Descent, with a 3d board with various adventures and monsters and insanity effects that can drive a player to the other side.

I don't about everyone else, but I'd buy those.

sepayne7l said:

I don't about everyone else, but I'd buy those.

I don't know about everyone else, but I'd buy pretty much anything they release for Arkham Horror at this point. I'll admit it, I'm hooked.

Though, a reimplementation after one more big box and perhaps one more small box (and a 2+ year hiatus) wouldn't make me sad in the least.

What I'd like to see most are cards that modify the 32 investigators we hae already. Maybe change their stats/starting items around, modify their powers or give them personal tasks and missions. The current investigators (specially base) feel like we've been using them forever but if we could modifiy them to make the worser ones better it would feel just like getting a bunch of new ones.

I would love to see FFG release some simple monster packs to go with the game to expand the creatures. Not that there aren't plenty of beasties to go around already, but it would be fun if they released something akin to the small card expansions, only for monsters. The box could have a couple of new GOOs or Heralds, maybe an new character or two, and a nice little themed assortment of monsters.

With a setup like this you could set up packs of Arkham Horror solo play scenarios. These solo scenarios would have specific setup and victory conditions, maybe some alternate rules, a set of included scenario characters (that could also be used with the regular AH game) and would be geared toward story based play that wouldn't instantly overwhelm a solo player. Bigger scenarios could incorporate all of the expansions in a way that would allow a solo player to travel through the different locations on an extended adventure. I could see something like this really making solo play more fun because you could keep playing through your favorite scenarios with a different cast of characters.


I love the Game and the expansions, just got 2 more for Christmas., But I'd love to seethe 2+year hiatus as mentioned above. GIve us some time to get the expansions played in allte different combos. Then come out with the victorian London settting big box, would love to see it.But limit the expansions for that. I'm afraid that Arkham Horror is becoming a product line that will devolve because we'll buy pretty much anything that is released in the series. I'm only missing the Kingsport, and I'm just trying to fig out how to get the GF to agree to me buying it, since she knows how much table space it already takes up.

So what else, I think The traitor aspect as seen in other games might be interesting to see, but not sure how to implement. More scenarios like the ones found in the summer league would be cool. as would a campaign system.

But currently with the Arkham Horror series as it is now, maybe give it a rest for a bit and work on another era.


Maybe not.
