I just wanted to start a topic for GM's about some of the silly stories and actions that your PC's make.
I had a great one the other day. I was playing with 2 PC's (A scythe weilding Dark Palidin and a Ninja Module assasian) and they were in the first section of the Shadows of Dreams arc in the game master guide. They were on the bridge section with the ambush of gaurds on one end and decided (because the bridge could only fit one at a time but they wanted to see if they could both fight close combat) that the D.P. would go to the middle and use a chain and tie himself to the bridge (so he could two hand welid) and then the ninja would climb on his shoulders and tie himself in with his own rope and they both did a sort of "chicken fight" like thing with a scythe and tanto/shuriken
Needless to say, it made me lol