French National Championships

By mathaplo2, in 3. AGoT Organized Play

Joust : 35 players

1st Pekeumok - Greyjoy Winter
2nd Fishiste - Lannister City of Shadows
3rd Comm - Martell
4th Captainchris - Martell
5th Alekyne - Greyjoy Winter
6th Skoll - Targaryen Summer
7th Evrach - Baratheon CIty of Shadows
8th DireWolf - Targaryen Winter

Melee : 32 players

3 rounds + final

1st Alteros - Baratheon Kings of Winter
2nd Astro - Targaryen City of Shadows
2nd Wulfen - Martell Dayne House
4th Mathaplo - Targaryen

Both the 5th pack and the Stark set were not legal for the event.

Gorgeous place, lots of fun, hot and sunny weather.

Looks like a good turn out. Congratulations to the winners!

Great week-end !

32 players in melee, maybe the biggest melee tournament ever, no ?


Can you say how many players of each House were in Joust?


In joust, we had :

  • 7 Baratheon
  • 6 Lannister
  • 6 Martell
  • 5 Targaryen
  • 5 Greyjoy
  • 5 Stark

In melee, we had :

  • 6 Greyjoy
  • 6 Stark
  • 5 Baratheon
  • 5 Targaryen
  • 5 Martell
  • 4 Lannister

And for both, lots of fun ! :)