FFG Starcraft - New Forums

By VonEpp, in StarCraft

Nice website / changes. I was a little thrown under the bus when I could not keep my old FFG name/sign up date. Now I'm a new user again.

Will there be any way to access old forums such as FAQ's / Variants / etc.?

If not...no problem. We will just start a new!

Von Epp

By the way....

I really LIKE the new avatars, game list, favorites added to the forum site. Will there be anyway to give "Thumbs up" to forum users who give great game ideas and/or reviews, etc. (similar to BBG site)?

It would be nice to track players that offer decent material.

Just my thoughts.

We'll constantly be looking for ways to improve the new website and forums. If you have suggestions, please send them to webmaster@fantasyflightgames.com!


lol i just got on and was like "OMGWTF!!!' and i saw an entirely new site. io thinks it's a cool improvement, cause now we can see the favorite games of others and get pounts and stuff. now if i can onlky get non ffg avatars...but still i like mine!

I really don't like the new avatar system. The problems with it are well demonstrated by my post and the one just above it.

Custom avatars would be a nice feature to have, or at the very least, a more sizeable set of icons to choose from. The graphics on the boards seem a bit bulky for my tastes, but I can live with them, I guess.

Also, like a few other people on the forums, I seem to have some serious issues navigating in here from the forum overworld menu (Board Games, Card Games, etc.) I tend to get redirected to the front page when I try to do that.

custom profile pics would be nice. Give it time it will be like other boards and give us a little more control.

I'm loving the new FFG, but I found out about it the hard way. I was part way through a game when I wanted to check the Starcraft errata, only finding that I'd have to re-register to access the content. I've always loved how FFG released documentation for games early to spark interest and I'm worried that having to register might serve as a roadblock to new gamers. Though I'm sure there's a good reason behind it.

But other than that and a few broken links, I really like the new site and message boards, enough to get an old lurker posting more, so it's not all bad lengua.gif .

I really like the new site style and system, even that there are still some minor bugs (because work is still in progress) and i agree that we need more avatars or custom avatars for better (faster) user identification, also something similar to Board Game Geek THUMP UP thing would be nice.

I also think that it's a bad idea to restrict the access to the files to registered users only. I decided to buy this game two days ago after reading the rules. I wouldnt have done that if i had to register first...