Yarg, I introduce to you...Misuer Bull Frog
Yarg, I introduce to you...Misuer Bull Frog
Ow...puns hurt my head.
However, it looks too awesome to pass up.
Hey what about myths?
Like the Lochness monster, Bigfoot, Snowman, and the Chupacabra.
I can see the Chupacabra being a creature in the grimm world. A reptilian-canine running around feeding on animals and humans for there blood.
I'm not sure these haven't been covered yet elsewhere, but the corebook briefly refers to a few significant creatures that don't actually have write-ups in the book and could probably use them. Examples include the Leviathan, the Seventeen Dwarves (it covers dwarves in general, but not these in specific), and the peach-pit boys.(likely based on Momotaro) Some work on filling these in would go a long way.
Hmmm what about Orion the Hunter ( the constellation ). He could work with the moon during the right seasons if the kids are in the right place to view it. Have to run from his fiery arrows (simply meteorites), he is on a constant hunt for all the children. No idea why, this is Grimm, there's never a 'why'.
The idea of adding the constalations to the game i liked....but i visioned something else. For instance, The characters run into a man named orion, that becomes an important character in the game. The kids help him find his true calling and spirit. At the end of the story, He tells the kids he'll watch them from the heavens. In which the kids wake up, find themselves in the real world with orion (the constalation) above them.
Im interested in your idea. only doesnt that give orion god like powers. Is it that the kids have to be on the mountain for orion to hurl metorites at them....Or is it like anywhere in the game....Cause then orion seems like a difficult character to fight.....Thats like adding zeus to the game and no matter where you go he's going to shoot a lightening bolt at you.
Im in favor for addind greek gods and myths....but they all need limitations...
Laughmask said:
Hmmm what about Orion the Hunter ( the constellation ). He could work with the moon during the right seasons if the kids are in the right place to view it. Have to run from his fiery arrows (simply meteorites), he is on a constant hunt for all the children. No idea why, this is Grimm, there's never a 'why'.
Nonetheless, I like the idea. Here's something to make him less dangerous, though: Whenever he uses an 'arrow', it removes a star from his constellation. Therefore, he must use them sparingly, as if he uses them all, he winks out.
The Gremlin said:
Actually, in Grimm, there's always a 'why'. Part of the point of Grimm is to explain what probably should have been left unexplained. It comes right what 'what', as in, 'what happened next?'.
Nonetheless, I like the idea. Here's something to make him less dangerous, though: Whenever he uses an 'arrow', it removes a star from his constellation. Therefore, he must use them sparingly, as if he uses them all, he winks out.
Haha never looked at it that way
. Thats pretty cool, so the starry sky is pretty much his quiver...I like that. Also, I know they're mentioned very briefly, but the Billy Goats Gruff would be cool to go more in depth with. All the book brings up is how they might wait by a bridge for unsuspecting passer-by's so that the goats can charge at them.
Well I dont know about that. If you ever read "Alice in wonderland" nothing makes sense.....Nothing has a reason or a why. It just simple is.
Only it depends how you run the game. If your going with a alice in wonderland theme...then yeah it doesnt need a why. If not then you can make everything have a reason.
As for the constelation idea, I very much LIke it. Orion did seem a little powerful and making him more balance to the game that idea really works.
The billy goats gruff never had much of a story......They were like the three little pigs. My invision of the Billy goats gruff would be like bully characters or perhaps a family mafia. LOL......The youngest is the brains, middle is the charasmatic, and the Oldest is the muscle. As of course the Oldest sends the troll flying away.
This is just a idea...im not really sure how any of you would feel about it........What about the FOUR HORSEMEN?.....LOL.....just putting it out there.
Lmao I could just see that turning into a religious parody in our group where the "kids" (now in the 10-12 grade range) are fighting of the servants of lucifer with god on their side in an attempt to halt the coming of the Apocalypse. The 4 horsemen would definitely need some tuning down though so that they aren't too overpowered. They seem too serious
too me
for Grimm, unless theres an unknown twist
. Maybe you could put a satirical spin on them and have them be pathetic wanna-be's. They're just a pest to the locals rather than any danger, not holding any magical powers all they really do is things like throw mud on citizens' clotheslines, splashing passer-byers as they ride their horses through puddles, and stealing candy from babies. But this did make me think of the headless horsemen, not sure if he's in the book. I don't remember seeing it.
RED_RONIN47 said:
Well I dont know about that. If you ever read "Alice in wonderland" nothing makes sense.....Nothing has a reason or a why. It just simple is.
The Gremlin said:
Yeah, but we aren't playing the Alice in Wonderland RPG. We're playing Grimm. And the Grimm brothers' mistake was to define these creatures.
It clearly states in the book to pull from other sources for inspiration and lists Alice in Wonderland, if you wanted to throw an Alice in Wonderland theme where nothing has a reason, I'm pretty sure the book wouldn't have any objections. It's perfectly fitting and would only need a slight change in the story as to how the Grimm Lands were created. The whole point of this game is creativity, and not limiting yourself to whats in the book. Stop bitching because someone posts something slightly creative and out of the box. It might be hard, but just try.
Well thank you laughmask. Only its okay. Gremlin believes what he wants to. I've notice he knows alot about the rules of the game only not the Big aspects of the game. While researching all the nursery ryhmes, short stories, fairy tales, Folk songs, and folk stories. Alot of the components in the game GRIMM, are not and never where written by the Brothers grimm. EXAMPLE: Jack and the beanstalk, Little bo peep, Little boy blue, the old women who lived in the shoe, The three bears, beauty and the best, King Midas, oh and the checkerboard kingdom itself
The game grimm takes every fairy tale, folk tale, song, ryhme, and short story, then twists them around to be coming wicked.
I hate to break to you gremlin but the the Grimm lands has the Checkboard kingdom which is a major part to the world. That Checkerboard land is from Through the looking glass (one of lewis carroll's alice stories) So there doesnt have to be a why for anything.
You have alot of creativity gremlin i'll give you that. Just easy up a little. You seem like a cool guy.
RED_RONIN47 said:
Well thank you laughmask. Only its okay. Gremlin believes what he wants to. I've notice he knows alot about the rules of the game only not the Big aspects of the game. While researching all the nursery ryhmes, short stories, fairy tales, Folk songs, and folk stories. Alot of the components in the game GRIMM, are not and never where written by the Brothers grimm. EXAMPLE: Jack and the beanstalk, Little bo peep, Little boy blue, the old women who lived in the shoe, The three bears, beauty and the best, King Midas, oh and the checkerboard kingdom itself
The game grimm takes every fairy tale, folk tale, song, ryhme, and short story, then twists them around to be coming wicked.
I hate to break to you gremlin but the the Grimm lands has the Checkboard kingdom which is a major part to the world. That Checkerboard land is from Through the looking glass (one of lewis carroll's alice stories) So there doesnt have to be a why for anything.
You have alot of creativity gremlin i'll give you that. Just easy up a little. You seem like a cool guy.
And yes, you're right, AiWL is in the Grimm Lands. My case is that their themes are very different. AiWL's is of craziness, with very distinct drug themes. What I'm saying is that the main theme of the Grimm game is that these fairy tales have too much explanation. Hansel and Gretel? Would have been a happy ending, but the game keeps going, twisting them, and...developing them. Adding information. Hansel and Gretel were put under the control of the oven. Those Goats were rendered insanely paranoid. The Three Little Pigs are trapmasters. It's my opinion, though you're free to disagree, that the Grimm Lands are founded around, not lack of knowledge, but too much knowledge. Too much reality into make-believe is, we find out, a very bad thing.
Accidental double post, dum de dum, don't mind me.
Well I must apologize for the outburst. Don't know what go into me
(probably all the twisted fairy tales getting in my head). That is a very valid point. I was just thinking more along the lines of a variant that adds an AiWL theme. But now that I think about it, I was just looking at the seemingly chaotic and meaningless facade of all the stories...but when you look
that's when you start to notice everything has a reason, no matter how small! Although this does give me an idea for a new kingdom that follows an AiWL feel. But back on topic! Someone in a very old thread posted his one shot which involved going into santa claws' workshop and a bunch of other cool stuff - Mr. and Mrs. Claws should definitely be noticed along with his helpers, after all they do mention the north pole in the book which is a HUGE part of kids' dreams.
I FIGURED IT OUT! I hate gremlins...thus, by default, I hate you (only kidding of course). =P
Well the characters themselves would be best to have a reason for there actions. Only they dont necessarily have to. Like the Queen of Hearts. Always cutting peoples heads off. Does anyone really know why?
The world of GRIMM doesnt have to make sense. With that in mind the players can imagine all sort of things and not have it make sense.
You know it barely dawn on me....Has anyone suggest adding gremlins to the list of monsters.....You know like the evil looking gremlins from the movie...or from The twlight zone movie.
RED_RONIN47 said:
Well the characters themselves would be best to have a reason for there actions. Only they dont necessarily have to. Like the Queen of Hearts. Always cutting peoples heads off. Does anyone really know why?
The world of GRIMM doesnt have to make sense. With that in mind the players can imagine all sort of things and not have it make sense.
You know it barely dawn on me....Has anyone suggest adding gremlins to the list of monsters.....You know like the evil looking gremlins from the movie...or from The twlight zone movie.
I never said that Grimm had to make sense, either. Please do not put words in my mouth.
Well moving on back to the main topic of this Forum.
So gremlins as monsters? I think that can work. Gremlins are everywhere causing havoc.
They live in the basements of the Clocktower and they sabotage the machinery. The gnomes positively hate them and have tried sending extermination squads in, but since all gnomes are clockhearted the gremlins made short work of them(their very presence ruins all advanced technology). Clockmaster Sarge is now looking for a band of brave kids to go down there and do something about the infestation...
WOW! wait....is that in the book. Or did you make that up. I hope you did...cause ive been looking though the book and never found it. So i hope im not going crazy.
Well if you did make it up. I like it alot. That would really work. Thanks.
The Gremlin said:
Laughmask said:
Hmmm what about Orion the Hunter ( the constellation ). He could work with the moon during the right seasons if the kids are in the right place to view it. Have to run from his fiery arrows (simply meteorites), he is on a constant hunt for all the children. No idea why, this is Grimm, there's never a 'why'.
Actually, in Grimm, there's always a 'why'. Part of the point of Grimm is to explain what probably should have been left unexplained. It comes right what 'what', as in, 'what happened next?'.
Nonetheless, I like the idea. Here's something to make him less dangerous, though: Whenever he uses an 'arrow', it removes a star from his constellation. Therefore, he must use them sparingly, as if he uses them all, he winks out.
If I may step in...
Rivalries are great. I love when they can work together.
Here is an idea that your counter views introduced to my mind. Have any of you seen Inception or Paprika? Both movies play huge roles with dreams.
Inception takes the idea of entering a person's mind through their dreams. Start messing around and the mind will become aware of your presence and attack you. Paprika on the other hand in about controlling people physically by making a dream feel so real or crazy. Without spoiling the story, major wrongs can happen when you mess with a world formed by dreams and imagination. In Inception's case you can end up in a Limbo. In Paprika sometimes the dreams can be forged into truth.
The director behind Paprika is also the creator of a show called Paranoia Agent. 'Agent' is about a lie being told so much and spreading so fast that it becomes accepted as truth.
If I were to play Grimm as an adult roleplaying a kid. I would throw a spin on the Setting. In Grimm it is believed that as you grow older your imagination fades and your ability to access Grimm does also. It is also rumored that no one has ever exited Grimm once found. What if...some one did? What if that person as turned into an "American Mcgee Alice", but unlike Wonderland...Grimm isn't always open? What if reality got too boring for this escapee and now he is head of a major organization that focuses on trying to force the gate open to Grimm with a machine (much like the Matrix) that is hooked up to orphans and runaways?
The players know about this Organization, but their characters do not. The more this mad man messes with breaching Grimm, the stranger (or I guess less chaotic) things get in the World of Grimm.
Other ideas that come to mind. Matrix, Pleasant Ville, Babes in Toyland, Never Ending Story, Page Master, Surf Ninjas.
Maybe "The Mad Man" is breaking the rules that 'The Gremlin' believes Grimm to revolve around, in that there are no rules to Grimm. As he breaks these rules or starts to break down the chaotic cycle that is Grimm, that lands stop shifting, the mountains at the edge of the world no longer keep their distance, the twist on the fairy tales start to lose their twist as he forces the poems and stories to be the one and only truth. Good and bad can come out of this. For example Humpty Dumpty "couldn't be put back together again"...Now who rules over Grimm?
Or maybe "The Mad Man" is trying to actually control the world of Grimm (like the bots in the Matrix)...
One of my favorite aspects of Grimm is the fact that anything is possible...you can take a simple tall tale and throw a twist on it...but if you REALLY want to think outside the box...what happens when you take the twist on the story away from it, as seen in the Humpty Dumpty example?
As for the "Monster Book". The Mad Man could induce Nightmares into the child he has hooked up and use them to create Twisted monsters for the players when they reach higher level and want "epic" encounters. Maybe "The Clown from IT" or "Jaws" or "Predator" etc.creations that can be shown to scare a kid into believing them real. When more kids imagine "IT" in their dreams at the same time, then couldn't "IT" take form in Grimm?
If you are playing for a more light hearted nature game of Grimm, then you can replace Freddy and Aliens for example with The Abominable Snow Man (From that Claymation Rudolph) or The Owl from Nimh.
Just my two cents...enjoy..back to the board and card game threads I go...before I break Grimm with the ideas I have injected into this topic.
RED_RONIN47 said:
WOW! wait....is that in the book. Or did you make that up. I hope you did...cause ive been looking though the book and never found it. So i hope im not going crazy.
Well if you did make it up. I like it alot. That would really work. Thanks.
As far as I know, I made that up. It's also possible that I read this somewhere and my subconscious saw fit to put it in my mind as my own idea, though. Stranger things have happened. But if you ask me, I think I made it up.