Spanish National Championship 2010

By sysquemalyn, in 3. AGoT Organized Play

Hi there, we are running the main event of AgoT.

43 players, we are in round 2.
First count (I need someone to check it before I say it's final) we'll be uploading the standings during the day.





Holy crap! 43 players?! That might actually be more than will be at GenCon for Worlds! In fact, I'm pretty sure it will be. Figured that Stark would be leading the pack, but good to see a pretty even spread after that. Will be very interested to see which agendas are used.

It will be very interesting to read report.

ps. I can't see those images.

After 3 rounds, Ultra defensive Starks are on the top tables.


Rank No. Name Points

1* 1 Gonzalez, Pedro 9
2* 24 Jimenez-Freile, Humberto 9
3* 26 Garcia, Alberto 9
4* 34 Rodriguez, Alvaro 9
5* 38 Gonzalez, David 9
6* 40 Garcia, Willy 9
7* 43 Lopez, Sergio 9
8* 46 Arnaiz, Rafael 9
9* 47 Sainz, Jose Luis 9
10* 4 Rey, Aitor 6
11* 6 Vicente, Jaime 6
12* 8 Garrido, Carlos 6
13* 10 Perez, Hector 6
14* 11 Arias, Ignacio 6
15* 13 Presas, Angel 6
16* 15 Gomez, Raul 6
17* 16 Fernandez, Jose Enrique 6
18* 17 Mera, Jesus 6
19* 21 Escalona, David 6
20* 23 Cornet, Carmen 6
21* 25 Sarasola, Estefania 6
22* 27 Oliva, Eric 6
23* 30 Lopez, Oriol 6
24* 33 Alvarez, Pedro 6
25* 36 Garcia, Eduardo 6
26* 41 Algaba, Cesar 6
27* 42 Tome, Roberto 6
28* 44 Vilariño, Borja 6
29* 50 Suriñach, Marta 6
30* 5 Gonzalez, Ruyman 3
31* 7 Henmark, Martin 3
32* 9 Ruiz Fernandez, Francisco 3
33* 12 Rodriguez, Julio Cesar 3
34* 18 Rambla, Pablo 3
35* 19 Martinez, Carmen 3
36* 22 Martin Fernandez, Manuel 3
37* 31 Morales, Felix 3
38* 32 Ramirez, Manuel 3
39* 35 Mena, Adrian 3
40* 37 Diaz, Dailos 3
41* 39 Coma, Ermengol 3
42* 45 Vazquez, Diego 3
43* 48 Villar, Pablo 3

Roberto Tomé, European AgoT Peasant Champion (Played during December 2009 in Germany).
One of the best players in Spain playing with Targaryan this weekend.

LCGDays 10


1º - 38 Gonzalez, David 18 66,6667 100,0000 66,6667 5/5/0/1 - Targaryan
2º - 26 Garcia, Alberto 18 63,3333 100,0000 63,3333 5/5/0/1 - Martell
3º - 1 Gonzalez, Pedro 15 72,2222 83,3333 72,2222 6/5/0/0 - Lannister
4º - 25 Sarasola, Estefania 15 63,3333 83,3333 63,3333 5/4/0/1 - Stark
5º - 34 Rodriguez, Alvaro 15 63,3333 83,3333 63,3333 5/4/0/1 - Lannister
6º - 6 Vicente, Jaime 15 50,0000 83,3333 50,0000 6/5/0/0 - Targaryan
7º - 47 Sainz, Jose Luis 12 76,6667 66,6667 76,6667 5/3/0/1 - Martell
8º - 24 Jimenez-Freile, Humberto 12 70,0000 66,6667 70,0000 5/3/0/1 - Stark

Tomorrow at 10:00am. they will play Top8. best of luck to them.

9 33 Alvarez, Pedro 12 66,6667 66,6667 66,6667 5/3/0/1
10 42 Tome, Roberto 12 66,6667 66,6667 66,6667 5/3/0/1
11 43 Lopez, Sergio 12 66,6667 66,6667 66,6667 5/3/0/1
12 30 Lopez, Oriol 12 63,3333 66,6667 63,3333 5/3/0/1
13 10 Perez, Hector 12 61,1111 66,6667 61,1111 6/4/0/0
14 17 Mera, Jesus 12 61,1111 66,6667 61,1111 6/4/0/0
15 36 Garcia, Eduardo 12 56,6667 66,6667 56,6667 5/3/0/1
16 32 Ramirez, Manuel 12 53,3333 66,6667 53,3333 5/3/0/1
17 41 Algaba, Cesar 12 53,3333 66,6667 53,3333 5/3/0/1
18 15 Gomez, Raul 12 50,0000 66,6667 50,0000 6/4/0/0
19 23 Cornet, Carmen 12 50,0000 66,6667 50,0000 5/3/0/1
20 18 Rambla, Pablo 12 47,2222 66,6667 47,2222 6/4/0/0
21 40 Garcia, Willy 9 70,0000 50,0000 70,0000 5/2/0/1
22 50 Suriñach, Marta 9 70,0000 50,0000 70,0000 5/2/0/1
23 27 Oliva, Eric 9 66,6667 50,0000 66,6667 5/2/0/1
24 46 Arnaiz, Rafael 9 60,0000 50,0000 60,0000 5/2/0/1
25 8 Garrido, Carlos 9 55,5556 50,0000 55,5556 6/3/0/0
26 44 Vilariño, Borja 9 53,3333 50,0000 53,3333 5/2/0/1
27 7 Henmark, Martin 9 52,7778 50,0000 52,7778 6/3/0/0
28 16 Fernandez, Jose Enrique 9 50,0000 50,0000 50,0000 6/3/0/0
29 31 Morales, Felix 9 50,0000 50,0000 50,0000 5/2/0/1
30 35 Mena, Adrian 9 50,0000 50,0000 50,0000 5/2/0/1
31 5 Gonzalez, Ruyman 9 47,2222 50,0000 47,2222 6/3/0/0
32 22 Martin Fernandez, Manuel 9 46,6667 50,0000 46,6667 5/2/0/1
33 4 Rey, Aitor 9 44,4444 50,0000 44,4444 6/3/0/0
34 11 Arias, Ignacio 6 52,7778 33,3333 52,7778 6/2/0/0
35 13 Presas, Angel 6 52,7778 33,3333 52,7778 6/2/0/0
36 21 Escalona, David 6 52,7778 28,5714 52,7778 6/1/0/1
37 12 Rodriguez, Julio Cesar 6 50,0000 33,3333 50,0000 5/1/0/1
38 39 Coma, Ermengol 6 50,0000 33,3333 50,0000 5/1/0/1
39 37 Diaz, Dailos 6 46,6667 33,3333 46,6667 5/1/0/1
40 48 Villar, Pablo 6 46,6667 33,3333 46,6667 5/1/0/1
41 45 Vazquez, Diego 3 58,3333 25,0000 58,3333 3/0/0/1
42 9 Ruiz Fernandez, Francisco 3 50,0000 16,6667 50,0000 5/0/0/1
43 19 Martinez, Carmen 3 43,3333 16,6667 43,3333 5/0/0/1

We have organized multiple side events and now our players have played more than 400 games in 8 hours!!!! AWESOME aplauso.gif

Some random pics from our AgoT National Championship:

Juego de Tronos 04

Juego de Tronos 05

Wow. I will just say that it certainly appears the game is far more popular (at least for competitive players) in Europe than it is here. I will be curious to see how many players our "World" championship draws.

442 games playes!!!! (Maybe a new record???)

13 hours playing...

and tomorrow more and more and more and more.

Your reports make me wish I lived in Spain. You are all awesome! Please be sure to give us the detailed results when your tournament has finished.


The top8 will start in 10 minutes and now we've played more than 800 games between A Game of Thrones, Call of Cthulhu and Warhammer: Invasion.

The National Melee Championship will start in 10 minutes, yesterday we're playing until 2:00am

GOOD WORK GUYS! GRATZ! aplauso.gif

LCGDays 11

Our Top7 (Pedro is a ninja and you can't see him)

Thx for the constant update sysquemalyn!

Much appreciated.

sysquemalyn said:

LCGDays 11

Our Top7 (Pedro is a ninja and you can't see him)

Group Portrait with Lady.

Way to go Estefania! But be careful. I can sense a Red Wedding heading your way... gui%C3%B1o.gif


TOP 4 -

*** David González (Targaryan) vs (Lannister) Álvaro Rodríguez

*** Jaime Vicente (Targaryan) vs (Martell) Alberto García

LCGDays 15


Álvaro Rodríguez (Lannister) vs (Martell) Alberto García


1º Aitor Rey (15) - Greyjoy - WINNER

2º Pablo Villar (14) - Martell

3º Manuel Ramirez (12) - Targaryan

4º José Enrique Fernández (10) - Baratheon

sysquemalyn said:


Álvaro Rodríguez (Lannister) vs (Martell) Alberto García


Outstanding. Thanks for the report. So, the Lions take Spain, eh? Congratulations to Alvaro! And to everyone else who participated.

LCGDays 21

A Game of Thrones LCG
Alberto García - Martell
2nd. Place

LCGDays 20

Spanish National Champion - AgoT LCG
Álvaro Rodríguez - Lannister

Congrats to everyone who participated and especially to Alvaro! I'd love to see the decklist for that lanni deck! And the second place martell. Didn't think I'd see them doing much this regionals/nationals season.

Staton said:

Holy crap! 43 players?! That might actually be more than will be at GenCon for Worlds! In fact, I'm pretty sure it will be. Figured that Stark would be leading the pack, but good to see a pretty even spread after that. Will be very interested to see which agendas are used.

And there were a lot of people missing, since they are preparing their University Exams... :(

But yes, it seems that we like The Only Game that Matters...

... and Soccer...xDDD

Staton said:

Congrats to everyone who participated and especially to Alvaro! I'd love to see the decklist for that lanni deck! And the second place martell. Didn't think I'd see them doing much this regionals/nationals season.

The Lanni deck has kneel with some Power control (Head of a Dwarf), and the Martell deck has Iron Mines to save characters as the main "rarity"

Hmmm, so the Stark box comes out and Stark does worse in Europe and France than America?

Nice turn out! I'd like to think if we had better public transport in the US we could get those kinds of numbers, but I don't think it help enough.

schrecklich said:

in Europe and France

Did you mean Spain and France? happy.gif

Stark box was not legal for the French tournament, so that would explain their situation I think.