A Hero Expansion!

By ffgfan, in DungeonQuest

Now after this last announcment I got a request to FFG. With the new heroes we will get some extra character sheets so we can play with them in Descent and other Terrinoth titles. So I thought maybe FFG could do a hero expansion. It would have only all the heros from Descent (with the bonus figures like Nara The Fang) with miniatures and there character sheets. So we can use them in DungeonQuest. This would be a great oportunity for all those that don't have Descent to have some extra characters for the game. I have all the Descent expansion but there are people that don't so maybe FFG would do that kind of expansion.

I would definitely love a hero expansion. I plan on getting this game, but do not have any other of the Terrinoth games. So a hero expansion with minis would be awesome. With a little research, I found out that there are 38 Descent heroes (soon to be 44 with the DungeonQuest character cards) which would make for quite a big expansion if they included them all in a DungeonQuest box set. I'm not sure if Runebound has more (I heard the discontinued Midnight expansion has 4 more), but I would love to have them all, even though this game is less complicated and doesn't really warrant the need for that many different heroes like the other Terrinoth games.

Putting in character cards in future expansions that work for all 4 games is a good idea in theory, but with only one miniature of each, it doesn't really work out for me. For instance, my friend will be getting Descent while I get DungeonQuest (in the same order to save on shipping actually). Since I won't be getting Descent and he won't be getting DungeonQuest, I could give him the included Descent characters cards, and in future expansions, we can swap cards for our respective games. However, we're going to keep the minis that come with our games/expansions, which means we'll have to buy extra minis somewhere or use the wrong ones to represent that character. It would be nice if FFG would sell sets of minis to correspond with the releases for those in my situation. Or just start selling generic Terrinoth Hero expansions that come with all 4 cards even if they are included in expansions. I would rather spend $10 on a hero expansion than purchase a $30 Runebound expansion that I will never use just to get the cards and minis for DungeonQuest.

I guess we will just have to see how it'll all work in the future.

i think that taking a page from the games workshop handbook would be in order. fantasy flight games has enough game lines that making a magazine, be it an annual, bi-annual, or bi-monthly, that covered their game lines and includes expansion components in it would work as a marketing tool. The original Talisman, for example, had extra adventure, spell, and character cards appeared in White Dwarf magazine. They could expand on the heroes in that way. Privateer Press managed to get some nice cardboard cards in one of their magazines, so im sure fantasy flight could do the same. they just need to figure out what articles to put in there. hobby instructions on painting descent into darkness miniatures, for example, could be an article series. as could previews of materials. i know that magazines are a dying medium, but when you have limited access collectables bundled with the mag, you get sales.