Breaking down the first picture of the game

By Svavelvinter, in DungeonQuest

So what conclusions can we draw of the picture: board-dungeonquest.png

1) Looks like health is treated the same way as Arkham Horror with red hearts.

2) The suns progression remain the same.

3) The board is handled just as earlier with the drawing of special room-cards.

4) The character at the bottom right looks like a knight of some sort.

5) By having special positions for the different type of cards it will somewhat remove the possibility of an expansion.

6) A key?! I wonder what that's for..

7) Every character seem to be assigned a special card, maybe the magic ring used in earler editions and also some kind of token.

Have I missed something?

Ok, let's see now:

- the Key - I think it's some kind of active player token

- the character on the left is a sorceress (in my opinion it's Challara) and the hero on the right is a warlock, the bottom hero is a knight so the one above should be a ranger

- every hero has a special card and a special token that looks like a ring

- there are nine type of cards. (eight on the board and one near the ranger hero)

- the board looks nice (not to big and not to small)

For me the game looks cool. Can't wait to buy it and try it. ;)

Looks almost like an identical reprint of the GW edition, which is no bad thing. FFG's quality components alone will make this edition worth buying. Can't say the new setting does anything for me but can understand why it was done from a commercial point of view. On the whole, looking forward to this release. A classic and very fun boardgame.

I can't make out any of those 'Dragon Sleeping' chits, I wonder how they'll resolve the centre board encounter? The sun track looks different, there's staggered pairs of suns, probably means nothing? Also, from memory, the dungeon looks a bit bigger? All the cluttering text has gone from the board and I like the standard shaped cards with homes on the actual board. All looks good so far!

Svavelvinter said:

5) By having special positions for the different type of cards it will somewhat remove the possibility of an expansion.

That didnt stop BSG.

ffgfan said:

Ok, let's see now:

- the Key - I think it's some kind of active player token

I would guess the same. I mean, FFG likes that kind of thing. Its in Star Craft, Tide of Iron and probably many other games.

ffgfan said:

For me the game looks cool. Can't wait to buy it and try it. ;)

Me too. I was recently eyeballing Middle Earth Quest, but this seems a bit more "lite", and probably will pick it up. I got enough EPIC games to last a lifetime!

ffgfan said:

- the character on the left is a sorceress (in my opinion it's Challara)

I think you're right about that. The corresponding character card looks like it has the same image as the Descent character card posted in the Descent forums earlier today. The figure also appears to have a big blob around her feet that's probably Brightblaze, her familiar.

On another note, the warrior's character sheet makes him look a lot like Trenloe the Strong, judging by his armor and shield. I don't think it is him - firstly he has a sword instead of an axe and secondly I'm pretty sure these are four all-new heroes. But perhaps this guy is a brother-in-arms of Trenloe? Or a sibling?

AsylumSeeker said:

The sun track looks different, there's staggered pairs of suns, probably means nothing?

The sun icons were probably just staggered to save space on the board. That's my guess anyway.

Steve-O said:

ffgfan said:

- the character on the left is a sorceress (in my opinion it's Challara)

I think you're right about that. The corresponding character card looks like it has the same image as the Descent character card posted in the Descent forums earlier today. The figure also appears to have a big blob around her feet that's probably Brightblaze, her familiar.

On another note, the warrior's character sheet makes him look a lot like Trenloe the Strong, judging by his armor and shield. I don't think it is him - firstly he has a sword instead of an axe and secondly I'm pretty sure these are four all-new heroes. But perhaps this guy is a brother-in-arms of Trenloe? Or a sibling?

Actually there's more than one guy with that type of colored armor.... You guys seem to be forgetting dear old Sir Valadir, whom that card in the picture looks infinitely closer to.

Can't see any combat cards, so hopefully they have changed the system.

Wanderer999 said:

Steve-O said:

ffgfan said:

- the character on the left is a sorceress (in my opinion it's Challara)

I think you're right about that. The corresponding character card looks like it has the same image as the Descent character card posted in the Descent forums earlier today. The figure also appears to have a big blob around her feet that's probably Brightblaze, her familiar.

On another note, the warrior's character sheet makes him look a lot like Trenloe the Strong, judging by his armor and shield. I don't think it is him - firstly he has a sword instead of an axe and secondly I'm pretty sure these are four all-new heroes. But perhaps this guy is a brother-in-arms of Trenloe? Or a sibling?

Actually there's more than one guy with that type of colored armor.... You guys seem to be forgetting dear old Sir Valadir, whom that card in the picture looks infinitely closer to.

A picture of the new guy is on the info page

He looks sort of similar t the two alrady mentioned but definatly different

Uses 2d6 rather than d10 and d12. Makes the game less random so slightly easier to survive.

Svavelvinter said:

So what conclusions can we draw of the picture:

1) Looks like health is treated the same way as Arkham Horror with red hearts.

2) The suns progression remain the same.

3) The board is handled just as earlier with the drawing of special room-cards.

4) The character at the bottom right looks like a knight of some sort.

5) By having special positions for the different type of cards it will somewhat remove the possibility of an expansion.

6) A key?! I wonder what that's for..

7) Every character seem to be assigned a special card, maybe the magic ring used in earler editions and also some kind of token.

>>>>>>>>>>>Have I missed something?<<<<<<<<<<<<<

EERRRMMM yeah could they make an awesome Dragon Mini for once to get us even more on our nerves when we are digging thru the dungeons in search for awesome loot!! gran_risa.gif