Cycling through the Overlord Deck

By twak2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi all,

The FAQ mentions that in RTL if the overlord cyles through his deck twice in 1 level the heroes are ejected.

Are they ejected to the wilderness where the dungeon is located or to Talimir?

What do you think "cycle" means, is this just a re-shuffle, or actually a resuffle and starting with a full deck (nothing in discard). If the overlord has only a few cards left in his deck at the beginning of a level (due to previous levels of play), say 2-3 he will reshuffle within the 1st few turns of the level, does this count as 1 cycle for the purposes of hero eviction?

Thanks for the info.


twak2 said:

Hi all,

The FAQ mentions that in RTL if the overlord cyles through his deck twice in 1 level the heroes are ejected.

Are they ejected to the wilderness where the dungeon is located or to Talimir?

What do you think "cycle" means, is this just a re-shuffle, or actually a resuffle and starting with a full deck (nothing in discard). If the overlord has only a few cards left in his deck at the beginning of a level (due to previous levels of play), say 2-3 he will reshuffle within the 1st few turns of the level, does this count as 1 cycle for the purposes of hero eviction?

Thanks for the info.


The heroes are not just ejected, they are also forced to flee the dungeon - which means by the rules they must return to Tamalir.

Cycle means reshuffle.
Yes, thats one cycle.

Frankly, if you even come close to cycling (using the term the other way) all the way through the deck a complete time on a single level (even a rumour of legendary level) then the heroes are playing badly and/or should have fled much earlier. It is rare, though not unknown in legendary dungeons, for us to even cycle once for an entire multilevel dungeon.

And, just to repeat what everyone says every time this comes up, that rules is there as a fix for heroes who would sit in a dungeon forever, allowing the overlord to accumulate gobs of points and thus force the game through gold mode and into the final battle. If your heroes aren't abusing that mechanic, there's really no need to enforce the rule.

Sure there is. Forcing the heroes to move fast for fear of being forced to flee makes them make errors for which you can punish them mercilessly. demonio.gif

I miss when it used to be two times in an entire dungeon.