I am really sad that this game is not designed for 2 player games. That was one of the best things about Arkham Horror and what ensured that I purchased every expansion. It does look really cool though...
Number of Players
I will be interested to see what the optimal number of players will be for this game.
how many is it designed for? I thought it was a 2-6...
It is for 3-5 and has a duration of 2-4 hours javascript:void(0);/*1227355155719*/
Ouch! :-( I really hoped it could be played by 2 people
Yes, I'm sorry it doesn't have a two player option. Actually, I end up these days playing a lot of games solo; getting more than two players at a time is a stretch where I am.
If that was sarcasm, it was the most cleverly packed I've ever seen. ^^
I have not checked with the rules yet, but even if it is mentioned "3 players", depending on the rules it may well be playable just with 2 players.
I have recently tested "Red November" and it works fine with just 2 players too
Or maybe someone will come with a "variant" ?
Kevin Wilson already said you could try it out with 2 players, but was unsure about how well it would work. After reading the rules, you will know why.
Any hint why ?
(have just downloaded the game rules, quite significant as usual from Kevin Wilson
Am just reading some others now, I was intending, if it would have been "well" playable for 2 players, to buy "Android" as soon as it would be available, being a BIG fan of Blade Runner and Kevin's games, so not planning to go through the big rules before)
Players influence each other through the Twilight cards. You draw a Dark Twilight Card from any player's (but your own) Twilight deck. This mechanism alone would be heavily dumbed down in a two-player-game.
Also, the way placing evidence works makes it very easy to see where the other person is heading for in a two player game. Suppose you and your opponent place evidence on a specific subject. Then you get to look under it. You know which evidence you placed, so you automatically know which evidence your opponent placed. Thus, you can easily determine the other player's agenda.
I'm certain there are more examples. Eventually, I believe this game will be playable by two players - but will lose much of its fun.