Dark Anarchy deck

By Anarchy_In_The_Galaxy, in Gummi Garage

THis is the dark deck im working on right now. I like dark better right now just because alot of the cards you need are just heartless most of em easy to get. You dont really need to think about how this friend interacts with a another and all that.


Dark Riku

Dark/friends lvl1


gigant shadowx3


Dark/Friends lvl2

Power Wildx3

Green Requiemx2

Creeper Plantx3

Dark/Friends lvl3

Barrel Spiderx3

Large Bodyx3


Dark/Friends lvl4

Screwdiver x3

Sea Neon x3

Dark/Friends lvl5

Invisible x2

Behemoth x1

Crescendo x1

Aquatank x1

Dark/Friends lvl6

Darkball x3

Gargoyle x1

Dark/Friends lvl7

Parasite Cage x2(Want one more for a cage lock)

Wizard x1

Dark/Friends/Villains lvl8

Oogie Boogie x1

Captain Hook x1

Attack Cards

Soul Eater x1( automatically I need two more, I know)

Oblivionx1(Helps steal a challenge when i need it)


Monstro lvl1 x2

Disney Castle x1

Obviously what I want to do with this deck is Parasite Cage lock down and then aggro their helpless selves. I use the villains to knock out a few friends that I know everyones running(Jack and Pan) I have Maleficent and Hades on the way and I may try and work them in. All I can do right now is get the monstro lvl1 double cages in my friend zone along with a wizard to stop magic, and hopefully they are world racing and have a high level to drop my villains and a sea neon on the world and they are stuck. I can even get a good lock without monstro lvl1

very cool. cant really give you any advise looks like a good smoth run for your friends. and like you said about mal. it would be good for you to use hook boogie and mal. so you can lock a world racer down. also probly want to be carful with seanoen and soul eater and make sure you dont have then out at the same time. have you considered black fungus? lvl1 reduces the level of dark cards down by 1 so you get 3 out and makes lvl4 lvl1s instead. but all in all very good deck hope to vers you some time with my dark deck.

I did consider the fungus but I usually get help from my opponents jack skellingtons It might offset a few things too

I would reccomend darkside over Oogie Boogie, Jack helps this deck out, not hurt it.

i could work it around its just jack also helps a world racer

Anarchy_In_The_Galaxy said:

i could work it around its just jack also helps a world racer

how does Jack help the Racer? Plus you play 3 worlds which are level 1. At best they can play a lvl 6 which means no Cage. However, that means that you can play your Heartless much easier.

true but i focus more on getting my heartless in my friend zone to get up to my higher guys jack helps racer by dropping the high level heartless and then you can beast or herc them easily plus his great magic power can knock darks down fast and if hes out and the have the beast they can knock my high level darks right off my friend area

i just got a maleficent and my third cage(YES!) I played the deck and first game i cage locked my friend he immediatly surrendered. After that it didnt come up so easily my friend pyramid stands at 7, 6,6,6,5,4,4,8(The additions of cage and maleficent) and im wondering if I should add more ones or twos, the friend combination has to be just right or entire hands can be dead draws

Roxas said:

Anarchy_In_The_Galaxy said:

i could work it around its just jack also helps a world racer

how does Jack help the Racer? Plus you play 3 worlds which are level 1. At best they can play a lvl 6 which means no Cage. However, that means that you can play your Heartless much easier.

Jack helps them get rid of stuff off their side of the board with beast and Herc.

Roxas_Lawliet said:

Roxas said:

Anarchy_In_The_Galaxy said:

i could work it around its just jack also helps a world racer

how does Jack help the Racer? Plus you play 3 worlds which are level 1. At best they can play a lvl 6 which means no Cage. However, that means that you can play your Heartless much easier.

Jack helps them get rid of stuff off their side of the board with beast and Herc.

But it also kills them because it let you drop more heavy hitting heartless earlier. Realistically no one is going to play all 6-8 Beast and Hercules without their SS cards. And for a deck dark..dropping Heartless on a world should be easier with Jack ...I mean lvl 3 plus 2 Fungus is letting you bring out Behemoth on a lvl 1 D Isle...

Yup, that's the flip of it.

its really a toos up to me jack is both good and bad for now oogie is a lvl8 villain with high power if i got him out i dont need jack anymore so bye bye and plus jack boasts great magic i dont need them picking off my cages with magic because im not bringing them up in a challenge.

Maybe its just me, but aggression decks are easily stops by simply gaining HP. unless you play owl and phil at the same time, i cant see an aggression deck as a threat, I like the enthusiasm with the whole dark riku and ansem, but i just dont think it will work out.

Thirroxin said:

Maybe its just me, but aggression decks are easily stops by simply gaining HP. unless you play owl and phil at the same time, i cant see an aggression deck as a threat, I like the enthusiasm with the whole dark riku and ansem, but i just dont think it will work out.

Owl, Simba, Phil, Monstro lvl 1, Wizard, Parasite Cage, Soul Eater, Barrel Spider. There are many ways to stop that HP gain.

Wizard, Parasite Cage, Soul Eater, and Barrel Spider. Dark riku or ansem decks cant run owl, phil or simba. But if u play an agro deck with sora to play them all, u lose the soul eater. Soul eater is a giant help in agro, especially if your up against a level 1 character. Maybe i'll have to build one and try it out, but it still seems real hard to bring out a wizard and parasite cage since their both lvl 7. Does barrel spiders effect go through say if you pump with him and they dont cause magic damage? That may be a noob question but im still new...