OPENER OF THE GATE (AP 6 Ancient Horrors)

By PRODIGEE, in CoC Rules Discussion

Hi Guys,

I would like to have some precisions for this great new Shubb card.

First, I read the rules, and I wasn't able to find a SPELL entry for the rules.

I first thought search for it in the FAQ, but could'nt find anything but the definition of events " which are Spells, Actions ..."

So here's my questions :

Shall we consider the monster in your grave, hand or deck events as considered as spells?

Was that card only designed to work with Chant of Thoth or does she allow you to play monster during operation phase ??

Is there another entry prepared for the new rules booklet ?? angel.gif

Don't confuse CoC with other games. It just means that it gives cards with the subtype "Monster" an additional subtype "Spell"

So they would interact with:

-- Neutral --
•The Black Man, Coven Master
Type : Character
Cost : 5
Skill : 3
Icons : TTCA
Subtype : Avatar of Nyarlathotep.
Game Text: Action: Pay 3 to choose the top card of your discard pile. If it is a Spell card, play it immediately for no cost. Then, put it at the bottom of your deck.
Collector's Info: AE P13

--- Not a very usefull interaction, but it allows you to put monsters from the top of your discard pile to the bottom of the deck.

-- Yog-Sothoth --
•Yog-Sothoth, The Key and the Gate
Type : Character
Cost : 7
Skill : 7
Icons : TTCCA
Subtype : Ancient One.
Game Text: Villainous. Loyal. Invulnerability. Response: after you play a Spell card, pay 1 to draw a card.
Collector's Info: AE R151

-- Yog-Sothoth --
•Yog-Sothoth, In Whom the Spheres Meet
Type : Character
Cost : 8
Skill : 8
Icons : TTCCA
Subtype : Ancient One.
Game Text: Villainous. Invulnerability. Lower the cost to play Yog-Sothoth by 1 for each Spell card in your discard pile (to a minimum of 1).
Collector's Info: UT R91

-- Yog-Sothoth --
Chant of Thoth
Type : Event
Cost : 1
Subtype : Spell.
Game Text: Action: choose up to 3 Spell or Artifact cards in your discard pile. Until the end of the phase, you may play those cards as though you were playing them from your hand. If any of the chosen cards are event cards, put them on the bottom of your deck instead of your discard pile after playing them.
Collector's Info: FR R98

-- Yog-Sothoth --
Type : Support
Cost : 1
Subtype : Attachment. Curse.
Game Text: Attach to a character. Response: after you play a Spell card, exhaust attached character.
Collector's Info: EE C178

-- Yog-Sothoth --
•The Goddess of the Black Fan, Seduction of the Monk Liu
Type : Support
Cost : 2
Subtype : Tome.
Game Text: Response: after a character enters play except from a player's hand, exhaust and pay 2 to choose a Spell card in your discard pile. Put that card on top of your deck.
Collector's Info: MN R104

So, basically anything that interacts with spell cards that doesn't specify event cards. It doesn't change Character Cards to Event Cards, though.

So kind from you Marius, Thanks !

I asked the questions as I'm looking for the real use of this character : Is it the first part of a futur combo based on cards not yet out ?? Or is this just a tiny junk-card for new comers which might not understand the difference between "Events" and "Spells".

I first did'nt read this card well, so I'm looking for a n answer on this card. Is it a good card ... or a pure non-sense ??

Interracting with useless cards (except chant of thoth) may be a little silly. Does it hide something else ?


So kind from you Marius, Thanks !

I asked the questions as I'm looking for the real use of this character : Is it the first part of a futur combo based on cards not yet out ?? Or is this just a tiny junk-card for new comers which might not understand the difference between "Events" and "Spells".

I first did'nt read this card well, so I'm looking for a n answer on this card. Is it a good card ... or a pure non-sense ??

Interracting with useless cards (except chant of thoth) may be a little silly. Does it hide something else ?

It sure does hide a lot, but I can't think of anything planned, really. ;)


mn104.jpg cocfr-098.jpg

The Goddess works... kinda good ... with Chant of Thoth this way. You know, play Chant, play a SpellMonster from your discard pile, return Chant to the top of your deck. It's not as efficient as, say, Ithaqua. Or just using the Goddess and Unspeakable Resurrection, but at least it's an open ended card that will somehow enable some engine at some point. Maybe.

It's likely you'll see more Monster and Spell cards in the future, so who knows!? I would say: Try breaking the card. :D

Spells are events. Can I play a monster during opponent turn? (although the monster is destroyed at the end of the turn) said:

Spells are events. Can I play a monster during opponent turn? (although the monster is destroyed at the end of the turn)

Normally you can't since characters can be played only in op phase. With Chant of Thoth you still can't, since it says "as though you were playing them from your hand". Since you cannot play from your hand any character during opponent's turn, Chant of Thoth doesn't allow you to play them. said:

Spells are events. Can I play a monster during opponent turn? (although the monster is destroyed at the end of the turn)

When Opener is in play, even monsters in your hand are spells. Note that "Spell" is a subtype, not a card type though. A subtype is just a way for cards to identify each other, but have no other rules meaning. Since monsters, dispite they gain a subtype common on event cards, still follow the rules of character cards, you can play them only during your own operations phase, as it states in the rules.

Similarly, when you give a character the "Location" subtype, commenly found on support cards, it doesn't make them a support card. They'll be quite safe from Burrowing Beneath and the likes. The latter means that:

-- Shub-Niggurath --
Cyclopean Dhole
Type : Character
Cost : 6
Skill : 3
Icons : TTCC
Subtype : Monster.
Game Text: Action: sacrifice Cyclopean Dhole to destroy all Location cards. Action: exhaust and pay 3 to choose and destroy a Location card.
Collector's Info: AE R183

...can destroy a "location" character, but...

-- Agency --
Torch the Joint!
- Steadfast [AGENCY][AGENCY] -
Type : Event
Cost : 3
Subtype :
Game Text: Play during your operations phase. Action: choose and destroy a non-[Agency] resource or a Location support card.
Collector's Info: ASM F2

..can't because it specifically mentions support cards.

Also note that, besides the list of cards I mentioned a few posts back there are more cards that interact with cards that have the "spell" subtype. They do mention Event cards though, so unless the specific card you're trying to use has both the Monster subtype, and the Event card type, they can't be used in combination with Opener.

Card Type is written in the left lower corner of the card. Subtypes you'll find in the textbox. They are different, independant things that don't nessesary correlate all the time, despite trends you'll find among the cards. ;)

Marius said:

When Opener is in play, even monsters in your hand are spells. Note that "Spell" is a subtype, not a card type though. A subtype is just a way for cards to identify each other, but have no other rules meaning. Since monsters, dispite they gain a subtype common on event cards, still follow the rules of character cards,

ok thanks