Which Aircraft to Buy?

By Eviecat, in Wings of War (WWII)

I have a friend at work who has started collecting the aircraft from the WWII Wings of War collection, he only has two currently. It is his Birthday soon and I would like to buy him another aircraft from the collection but I have no idea where to start. If I tell you which two he has could someone suggest another one or two to go with what he already has?

The two he has are Mitsubishi A6M2 Reisen and Grumman F4F-3 Wildcat.

Any help is greatly appreciated, I really want it to be a suprise.

Thanks, Lindsay

Eviecat said:

The two he has are Mitsubishi A6M2 Reisen and Grumman F4F-3 Wildcat.

Which ones, specifically? And does he have any particular favorites of the minis available?

csadn said:

Eviecat said:

The two he has are Mitsubishi A6M2 Reisen and Grumman F4F-3 Wildcat.

Which ones, specifically? And does he have any particular favorites of the minis available?

Pictures of the two he has are at the links below.



I know of all the ones available he chose these two first, without asking him I don't know which his next favourite would be.

I could just pick another one from the series at random but would it be better to get another Japanese one to go with the Mitsubishi or another American to go with the Grumman? I don't want to be ignorant and get something totally inappropriate to the two he has already.

If he started with those two by choice, I'd get him the F-4/F-4. It's the Wildcat with a bigger gun.
