Chess Prodigy's (Miskatonic, F25) character ability states:
"Fast. When Chess Prodigy commits to a story on your turn, name a struggle type. Resolve that struggle type at that story by counting investigation icons instead of the struggle type's normal icons (...)."
I guess since this abililty isn't an action / response / disrupt but a passive ability, it always applies when Chess Prodigy committs to a story. But when do I actually announce the struggle type? If it was an action (similar to Unfathomable Elder Thing or Dimensional Worm), I would announce it after CP commits to a story but before the opponent commits his characters. But when do I use an ability which isn't a triggered ability? Am I still limited to the "white boxes" (ie. "actions may be taken boxes") after the "green boxes" in the Sequence of Play? Or can I wait until my opponent commits or even name the struggle type during the struggle phase?
And what happens if CP names a struggle type and is removed from the story afterwards by any effect? Is his ability still in effect since he resolved it before he was removed, ie. when he was committed to the story?
Thank you very much