Being realistic, this is probably the Hasn't-Been-Dusted-In-A-While South. I'm in Greenville, SC. It's right in the middle between Charlotte and Atlanta. Anyone nearby up for a game? Any tournament or league action? Please advise!
Looking For Players In The Dirty South....Carolina
Seriously, guys. Yer killin' me.
Not sure how far of a drive it would be for you, but Augusta, GA has had a few tournaments in the past and we were lucky enough to have some Athens players in last time. We're looking at getting a league started that will run up into the tournament. One set of prizes for the best order and destruction in the league and then one set for the best order and destruction in the tourney. It's in the planning stages at the moment, our normal TOs are a little busier than normal, but this is one game that is very popular here. You can keep updated on the possible tournaments on the book exchange website here
I also wouldn't mind seeing what can be done in the Columbia area if nothing is already going on. It's such a short drive for players in Augusta, there would be no reason for us not to go.
Thanks for replying.
I'm mostly interested in league play at the time being (since I'm only running single set), but going to a tournament single set could be really fun, for the challenge. Columbia, SC and Athens, GA are about the same driving distance from where I am. I'm great with both. 1.5 hr drives are ok. 2.5 hr drives get a bit.. eh.
I'm also going to try to infect the minis crowd at my local comic shop/ war gamer hangout with the Invasion bug.
I would totally be down for meeting halfway and playing. Only got a few players here, and only 2 others who build their own decks. Any other players up there? Even just 1 or 2?
Ok, guess this thread died. lol
What is halfway for you swingjunkie? I have a friend that uses my extra decks for now, and I haven't been able to go to the local comic shop which supports warhammer in its miniatures format yet to see if they'd host a league.
I'd be up for a meet-up as well. We have plenty of guys down here that would probably be willing to take a short ride for some games.
well I'm in Athens, so we could just find a city that's equidistant. should only be about a 45 min drive. I'm also still looking at have a tourney down here, since there's one from there (maybe your friend also), a marietta person or 2, 3 Athens people, and several Augusta peeps. Now if I could just get those Lawrenceville guys.....
Keep me posted, wherever an event may be. I'd love to have a big tourney with guys from all over GA and SC. We'll even host it if we're the best location in between all these cities.
Apparently there is a new-ish game store in my area... a quarter mile from my house. According to their website, they mainly support MTG and other CCGs. I think I might have to plant the idea of Warhammer into their minds.
Do it. I think a lot of places still aren't aware of games like this.
Also, we're looking to have a tournament in Augusta in mid to late September. We're running a league through August right up before the tournament.
I'm planting the same seed in the mind of my FLGS. They have a copy to let people try it out, plus I bring my core set and shake down the M:TG players to get them in on it. The more stores that start realizing this game is awesome, the better.
I checked out the game store near my house. It's really more of a small warehouse in a business park that sells copious amounts of M:TG. They have a listed max occupancy of 170. If the seed could be planted...
I'm actually thinking of getting into this. I had a core set and never got around to playing it and ending up selling it last time I moved. However, I am debating getting either this or the Game of Thrones game to kill time until the Lord of the Rings game comes out.
I'm guessing you are playing it at Borderlands, if so I'm there sometimes, bald guy named Justin. Never can make it out on Thursdays and Saturdays for gaming though sadly.
swingjunkie said:
well I'm in Athens, so we could just find a city that's equidistant. should only be about a 45 min drive. I'm also still looking at have a tourney down here, since there's one from there (maybe your friend also), a marietta person or 2, 3 Athens people, and several Augusta peeps. Now if I could just get those Lawrenceville guys.....
Hey swingjunkie, I also live in Athens and I am pretty new to Invasion but wanna play more often. If you wanna play sometime I am game.
justinbot said:
I'm actually thinking of getting into this. I had a core set and never got around to playing it and ending up selling it last time I moved. However, I am debating getting either this or the Game of Thrones game to kill time until the Lord of the Rings game comes out.
I'm guessing you are playing it at Borderlands, if so I'm there sometimes, bald guy named Justin. Never can make it out on Thursdays and Saturdays for gaming though sadly.
I didn't think they played anything but war minis up at Borderlands. I'd be all about playing up there if it meant possible league play. I also have the Game of Thrones core set. I've only played a couple of games of it . They have both games available up at Boardwalk and Park Place, though Warhammer is a little more available.
qwertyuiop said:
justinbot said:
I'm actually thinking of getting into this. I had a core set and never got around to playing it and ending up selling it last time I moved. However, I am debating getting either this or the Game of Thrones game to kill time until the Lord of the Rings game comes out.
I'm guessing you are playing it at Borderlands, if so I'm there sometimes, bald guy named Justin. Never can make it out on Thursdays and Saturdays for gaming though sadly.
I didn't think they played anything but war minis up at Borderlands. I'd be all about playing up there if it meant possible league play. I also have the Game of Thrones core set. I've only played a couple of games of it . They have both games available up at Boardwalk and Park Place, though Warhammer is a little more available.
Oh, yeah, they play all sorts of things at Borderlands. Last few times I was up there this guy Shane was talking up Warhammer: Invasion but I never got a chance to actually play it with him and I just assumed you were him, haha. I played GoT a few times when I had it, but never had a chance to play Warhammer. But I do live in Greenville and am interested, so maybe we should try to get a game in sometime.
We're looking at a tournament in Augusta. Our TO hasn't set a date yet, but everything else is in the works, with a prize kit from FFG. It's roughly a month from now, just waiting on a solid date. I'll let you guys know as soon as I do. We also have a league running in Augusta. If you wanted an awful lot of play, you might be able to come down for a day (before the tourney?) Play all your league games and then play the tourney the next day.
or just in and play a bunch of league games. Most of the players are available on Sundays and Mondays for league play and the tournament is likely to be on a Sunday as well.
justinbot said:
Oh, yeah, they play all sorts of things at Borderlands. Last few times I was up there this guy Shane was talking up Warhammer: Invasion but I never got a chance to actually play it with him and I just assumed you were him, haha. I played GoT a few times when I had it, but never had a chance to play Warhammer. But I do live in Greenville and am interested, so maybe we should try to get a game in sometime.
Word. Sounds good. I also have a somewhat scattered gaming group around Greenville. There will be LotR as well, when it comes out. We also play... just about any board game. Except Starcraft. Because we played a game where all six of the players won in the same turn...Very anticlimactic.
Looking for love in all the wrong places...
You mean FFG does not stand for Fly Female Gamers?
Well, hmm. This just sorta died.
We're looking at an October tourney for Invasion here in Augusta, but I wanted to wait until we settled on the date before I posted it up here.