Nara the Fang

By cbytes, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

In Sea of Blood, What is up with Nara the Fang extra card that has before combat and Jump and climb Skills on it.

Is Nara explained anywhere in the rules ?

cbytes said:

In Sea of Blood, What is up with Nara the Fang extra card that has before combat and Jump and climb Skills on it.

Is Nara explained anywhere in the rules ?

I never looked at it but I assume you are talking about the card that is actually for FFG's other Terranoth game, Runebound (IIRC). Most of the Descent Heroes are also featured in that game and are slightly different. I think FFG simply dumped 'Nara packs' into SoB, whch consist of the Nara figure and the cards suitable for both games in which Nara features. So you have a Nara Runebound card even if you don;t play Runebound, but FFG have to do less sorting in their packaging process.

Probably a freak accident. The actual Nara has its own Descent card, which allows her (yes shes actually a female troll/orc, commonly mistaken as male due to her ugly face) to strike big monsters with more damage. Eg: If she attacks an Ogre, she deals 1 additional damage because the ogre's length is 2 spaces. Her spear thrusts through all the way. Similarly if she strikes a dragon, she deals additional 2 damage because the dragon's length is 3 spaces. (2 if struck from sideways)

Do Ruenbound products contain anything that could be used for Descent? (Like figures, monsters, etc) Even if it took some modding or writing up cards?

Its not a mistake, they just added the runebound card as they did with the other 3 promo figs, so both Descent players and Runebound players could use them. And no, Nara the Fangs ability deals 1 extra damage to a monster for each space he ocupies beyond the first one . And another no goes to the usage of Runebound stuff for descent, ( well the wound tokens, fatigue tokens and hero figures are the same, so if that is what you ment than yes).

Wanderer999 said:

Probably a freak accident. The actual Nara has its own Descent card, which allows her (yes shes actually a female troll/orc, commonly mistaken as male due to her ugly face) to strike big monsters with more damage. Eg: If she attacks an Ogre, she deals 1 additional damage because the ogre's length is 2 spaces. Her spear thrusts through all the way. Similarly if she strikes a dragon, she deals additional 2 damage because the dragon's length is 3 spaces. (2 if struck from sideways)

It´s one extra damage per extra square of the monster, giving Nara +3 damage against ogres and +5 against dragons.

cbytes said:

In Sea of Blood, What is up with Nara the Fang extra card that has before combat and Jump and climb Skills on it.

Is Nara explained anywhere in the rules ?

This is her Runebound card. There are no special rules for Nara beyond what's on her Descent hero card. If you don't own RB you can just set the other card aside (or throw it out if you never intend to buy RB.) RBers who don't own Descent can only hope they release her in the next RB expansion too, otherwise it's kind of a big slap in the face if RB players need to buy an unrelated expansion to get this hero for RB. Fortunately I own both. =)

Scottwick said:

Do Ruenbound products contain anything that could be used for Descent? (Like figures, monsters, etc) Even if it took some modding or writing up cards?

Not really, no. All the heroes from RB are already in Descent (and more besides - the Well of Darkness heroes came from Drakon.) There are no monster figs in RB, it uses cards instead. The map from RB will look really familiar if you own Road to Legend. Basically, everything that can reasonably be ported over already has been by FFG themselves. =P

I suppose if you wanted to play a game of RtL with a little more freedom of movement you could kitbash some house rules for moving overland on RB's hex map, but that would likely involve a lot of work for what amounts to one rather gimmicky change.

Sea of Blood uses the map from the RB expansion Island of Dread, so assuming FFG keeps going with advanced campaign expansions, it probably won't be too long before all the RB maps have been given the same treatment.


Here is the card. This is for Runebound ?


The card on top is for Runebound.

Yes that is the card, sorry but I am having a hell of a time uploading a picture. Thanks for the assist.



Muhaa I got it loaded .... lol