
By Ziggy03, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Can a hero with telekinesis move a large monster figure with it?

Yes; Telekinesis has no special rules regarding figure size, so it works on all sizes.

Antistone said:

Yes; Telekinesis has no special rules regarding figure size, so it works on all sizes.

No joke? Seems like it ought to have something like the knockback rules (every space beyond the first increases cost to move by 1). Go figure.

Cymbaline said:

No joke? Seems like it ought to have something like the knockback rules (every space beyond the first increases cost to move by 1). Go figure.

Size matters not. =)

Cymbaline said:

No joke? Seems like it ought to have something like the knockback rules (every space beyond the first increases cost to move by 1). Go figure.


Well, keep in mind that Knockback originally ignored size, too; in the Well of Darkness expansion, they gave master golems immunity to Knockback, but now there's nothing in the base game or WoD that can knock them back anyway. They changed it later on...I think around the same time they created the weapons that can Knockback more than 3 spaces...

It's not clear how to extend that rule to Telekinesis even if you wanted to, since the cost of Telekinesis is calculated one space at a time. Presumably you expect moving an ogre to cost 4 fatigue; do you think moving an ogre 2 spaces should cost 8 fatigue, or only 5? Of course, realistically, Telekinesis becomes almost worthless against an ogre if you need to pay a minimum of 4 fatigue to do anything at all; that's not far removed from simply declaring large monsters immune (which shouldn't be surprising, since the same thing happened to Knockback).

Antistone said:

It's not clear how to extend that rule to Telekinesis even if you wanted to, since the cost of Telekinesis is calculated one space at a time.

Yeah, I hear you, the complication it introduces is reason enough to leave it alone.

For the record, though, I'd work it the same way as knockback, so it's 5 fatigue instead of 8 in your example. Which is a ton of fatigue, which makes it mostly worthless, but like you said, that's what has been done to knockback. But that, too, said, it sucks (as an Overlord) that I can only move that **** giant three spaces a turn, but a respectable vanilla hero could move him farther. Unless I draw charge, a hero with telekinesis can declare an order, push the giant four or more spaces away, rest, and, provided there's already enough of a buffer to prevent reach, I'll never get to attack the heroes. They can plink away in safety.

Such is Descent!

Large melee monsters probably should've been faster than other monsters, rather than slower. But that's a pretty big change to introduce this late.

Still, you should keep in mind that if you're just trading movement with the heroes, like you described, they're in a much more precarious position than you: you gain cards and threat every turn, and if you can inflict one wound on the resting hero (e.g. with spawns) they lose the order and can't get their fatigue back.

Antistone said:

Large melee monsters probably should've been faster than other monsters, rather than slower. But that's a pretty big change to introduce this late.

Hear! Hear!

We never noticed this much in vanilla, where the maps we played and our newness made melee spawns worthwhile and really big monsters were rare. But when we switched to RtL/SoB and the smaller maps it brings, the inability to easily avoid rubble coupled with legs that move like molasses made every level that had a large boss an easy victory for the heroes.

Antistone said:

Large melee monsters probably should've been faster than other monsters, rather than slower. But that's a pretty big change to introduce this late.

Still, you should keep in mind that if you're just trading movement with the heroes, like you described, they're in a much more precarious position than you: you gain cards and threat every turn, and if you can inflict one wound on the resting hero (e.g. with spawns) they lose the order and can't get their fatigue back.

Yeah, they should be faster. I suspect that they have slower movement to compensate for how hard they hit and the range of their attacks (reach with the giant, breath the dragon, etc.), but it is still horribly annoying. On the trading movement thing, all it really takes is one ranged character plunking away to toss the balance. So if the mage has telekinesis, bring in your runner / ranged kid and have him or her fire away while the mage neutralizes the threat. Generally, probably not worth it, but if you're on the last boss and can shut down all nearby spawn locations with your two extra, probably beefy melee, heroes, there is nothing left for the OL to do but hope for a Charge card and despair in the meantime.