Not that I consider it a card worth playing, and I kind of remember this same question being answered in the old boards, but I am lazy.
========== Hastur ==========
White Out
Type : Event
Cost : 2
Subtype : Polar.
Game Text : Play during your opponent's turn. Action: Choose a character that is currently committed to a story. Until the end of the phase, that character does not count its icons or skill.
Flavor text :
Illustrator : Raya Golden
Collector's Info : AMM F10
What does "not counting" means?
1) For what purpose the character does not count? For struggles resolution only? For struggle resolution targeting(i.e., a Whited-Out Guardian Shoggoth can be chosen as the target for Terror struggle and goes insane)? For targeting purpose (i.e., while Whited-out the afore mentioned Shoggoth can be shotgunned for 0)? For all purposes (i.e. the Shoggoth is under "loses all icons" and "gets -X skill where X is its skill")?
2) Less difficult: am I right thinking that a Whited-Out chars doesn't benefit from icon or skill gains after having been whited? Example: Shoggoth gets whited, one plays Unnatural Stealth on it, Shoggoth gains Invulnerability but it's skill still counts as 0.