As the forums shut down, feel free to reach out and friend me on Discord or DnDBeyond. My s/n is Awaypturwpn on most outlets, not to be confused with my very unique user name on this forum, "awayputurwpn" π
I'm currently DMing some Storm King's Thunder play-by-post over on the DNDBeyond forums (we're on hiatus, but returning in just under two weeks, and have been running the campaign since late 2017). I'm active on DNDBeyond, and have already had several random Star Wars related discussions when people find me over there!
I'm also active on Discord (awaypturwpn#2273). Before the pandemic, I was trying to get into GMing a live Star Wars game on Discord audio. Fingers crossed, I might eventually get my act together for a game there one of these days.
(And if any of you by chance enjoy playing Mass Effect Andromeda multiplayer, I'm currently on an achievement-hunting kick on the game's live co-op...)
It's been a great ride everyone! Sorry to see this part of the community relegated to oblivion, but I'll sincerely cherish the time we all had here.