Mass mutation

By baxio, in KeyForge


I'm wondering how common it is to get a mass mutation in the mass mutation decks? Keyforge has died a death round here, I only get to play it with my Wife at home now so although I'd like to try and get a deck with a mass mutation in it, I don't want to spend a lot of money on a lot of decks if they are quite rare



When you say a "Mass Mutation", I'm going to assume you are referring to a Gigantic creature.
All of the gigantic creatures are of the Rare rarity . Rare cards show up around 9 percent of a deck, but since you are looking for specific rares, we need a little more data:

Archon Arcana puts the total number of Mass Mutation decks at around 200,000.
At least according to ÆmberForge (which is admittedly a bit out of date):
Deusillus appears in 4784 decks (about 2.4% of the time)
Niffle Kong appears in 4356 decks (about 2.2% of the time)
Ultra Gravitron appears in 4870 decks (about 2.4% of the time)

If you're just looking for something to play casually, it might be worth it to look on Decks of Keyforge. There are quite a few decks with a Gigantic for sale, some as low as 10 bucks.

Yes, Gigantic is what I meant. Thanks for the names of the gigantic creatures, that looks like the best way to buy a deck
