I've only been playing AHLCG for about 4 months now. Totally loving it, of course. Initially, being caught up in the fervor of it all, I kind of went nuts and purchased as many campaigns as I could get my hands on. Much of this was anxiety about not being able to find campaigns or certain scenarios due to all the dreaded "Out of Stock" problems. I pretty much have everything now except for the Dream Eaters cycle (had to draw the line somewhere) and Innsmouth Conspiracy cycles yet to be published.
I intend to work through each campaign in the order it was released. I only manage to fit in one or two games each weekend, so definitely not going too fast. The thing is, I very naively believed that I would be able to fluidly play through from scenario to the next without interruption. NOPE.
I'm finding that very few of these scenarios let you achieve a satisfying outcome on the first play (Miskatonic Museum seems the only exception, or maybe I just got lucky). Sometimes it's the case of realizing I made a bonehead move due to not interpreting the card correctly--and thus my frequent not to self: Read every **** word, dummy. But mostly it's a case of drawing unlucky cards and getting ravaged by intensifying horrible results. When things start to go bad, well...
I'm sure we've all been in that situation, about five rounds in saying to ourselves, "Hey, this is going pretty well. Got my key assets in play, scooping up clues, defensive event cards in hand just in case. I might just own this one." Only to have things almost instantly go awry and end up being owned by the game instead. Has happened far too many times. Always a humbling--and oddly entertaining--experience.
So I've come to appreciate the replay value of each scenario. I'll be undertaking Essex County Express for attempt #3 this weekend. In my last play through, I twice had Daisy using playing Shortcut to fling Zoey to next location because she was engaged with an enemy could not afford to be slapped with an AoO. That one did not end well, but certainly was fun till we finally crashed out. Already looking forward to next go around, with more than a few lessons learned.
Just figured I'd share with the group. Hoping this general experience is pretty common and that I'm not the only dimwit who has to play The House Always Wins six times before getting a decent outcome.