Really like this list so far, Kallus Ghost is a force to be reckoned with while Wedge is a threat in and of himself. I feel like the advanced sensors are redundant but can be clutch if you need them. Ap 5 is fun and can be clutch when you need that stressed action. Saw can be a beast when you need to get that crit through with 4 dice and Magva pitches in to keep your dice on target since you only have 2 really offense heavy ships. Love any input or if you’re running something similar.
(68) Alexsandr Kallus [VCX-100 Light Freighter]
(9) Saw Gerrera
(7) Magva Yarro
(3) Shield Upgrade
(10) Advanced Sensors
Points: 97
(54) Wedge Antilles [T-65 X-wing]
(8) R2-D2
(0) Servomotor S-foils
(7) Afterburners
(2) Predator
Points: 71
(32) AP-5 [Sheathipede-class Shuttle]
Points: 32
Total points: 200