To sleeve or not to sleeve?

By Eraser74, in Arkham Horror: The Card Game


Was just wondering, what you guys think. Do you really sleeve all your cards? I was wondering if I maybe just sleeve the cards that are being played and not all the player cards and scenario and encounter cards. It´s cheaper, but you have to resleeve cards on a regular basis.

So how many of you sleeve all your cards?

Every encounter card sleeved in clear standard sleeves. All player cards sleeved in "thin"/pro-fit sleeves when not in use, and sleeved in appropriate, unique sleeves when part of a player deck (I use the now-defunct Rituals of the Order sleeves from FFG, but also have sleeves in the class colours and a couple of other options). Permanent cards are double-sleeved at all times, whether in storage or in use.

My next step is to transfer my player cards to binders, but that will take a while and I want to wait until the current cycle is over at least.

I have every encounter card that gets shuffled sleeved (most locations, acts, agendas and reference cards are unsleeved) in boxes and the player cards stored in a binder, sleeving only those that are currently in use.

Depending on how much you play it may not be worth having all encounter cards sleeved. I think having enough sleeves to cover the active player decks, the Core Set encounter cards and the encounter cards of whichever cycle you are currently playing could be a good solution if you are looking for a cheaper option.

I have sleeves only for the cards being played. I use clear inner sleeves for the locations and act/agendas and Katana Sleeves for player/encounter decks. It definitely is a lot of sleeving and unsleeving, but I personally find it kind of relaxing.

Alternate take - I do not sleeve. I am usually very fussy about my things, too! Just can't bring myself to do it.

All of the encounter cards are sleeved, including acts, agendas, and scenario cards. Basic weaknesses are sleeved. Only player cards that are in a deck are sleeved, the rest are stored in binders.

I sleeve everything in inner sleeves first. Investigators Player, encounter, location, weakness, scenario etc. Investigators are double sleeved with clear outer sleeves as are all Permanent cards and are stored that way. The mini cards are also sleeved.

When we create decks, we double sleeve them with outer sleeves the color of their class and use the sidewinder deck boxes (also in their class color) for deck storage/use for the campaign.
So I’m a little OCD...

We have a storage box for each class of player cards. Campaigns each have their own boxes as well.

We have everything, so it’s a big investment. We also play a lot. We also have family and friends who sometimes play with us and use our collection. Sleeving protects the cards and our investment.

Edited by Mimi61
13 hours ago, Jaync said:

I have sleeves only for the cards being played. I use clear inner sleeves for the locations and act/agendas and Katana Sleeves for player/encounter decks. It definitely is a lot of sleeving and unsleeving, but I personally find it kind of relaxing.

Like I said, I sleeve everything, but I’m with you. It’s kind of cathartic!

All player cards sleeved in ultra pro clear sleeves as they're the most handled cards, all the encounter/scenario cards are currently unsleeved and will most likely stay that way.

All cards are stored in boxes by class/level and by scenario. Requires a little admin but it makes things easier to find when building or setting up.

I would quite like the aesthetic of having everything in nice binders/folders but that would be quite costly and another headache deciding which method to store them in.