Card Sleeves

By Wild-Duck, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Is Fantasy Flight going to possibly put out card sleeves that have the art work from different games on them. ie. have a set of sleeves that have the Descent overlord deck art on the back ,as well as sleeves representing the dungeon cards, skill card , rumours, etc . Just for those of us who want sleeves on their cards but not with completely clear sleeves.

Have it be a Descent Card sleeve pack that has enough sleeves for all the cards in the game for each card type art on them

I highly doubt they would actually do that. The idea is neat, but in reality, it would not make much sense from a business standpoint. Why make sleeves with backs that match only ONE game. The clear backs are great because you can put any card in them and it is perfect for the game.

Also, if they did it for Descent, they would have to do it for some of their other popular games.

I could see them doing it if they ever released a second edition of Descent with a collectors edition. Everything in one box with special sleeves, but even then that is a long way off.