I've wondered ever since Carcosa, so I might as well ask during this last month we've got.
Father Mateo. William Yorick. Tommy Muldoon. Nathaniel Cho.
These four investigators all have the Warden trait. They're not all part of an organization (such as the Agency). As far as I know, they don't all have some sort of special destiny or supernatural power. The term implies a duty to protect something, but so does the entire Guardian class (and Mateo's not even a sub -Guardian). Gameplay-wise, they can all take low-level Blessed Guardian cards, but so can plenty of other investigators, including some far more Bless-themed ones (ie Sister Mary).
Is there something more that ties these men together? Some tie-in novel that explains (or implies) what a Warden is? Is FFG dropping hints to a future series of books in which the four investigators team up and become Wardens? Or am I just overlooking something obvious?