Nexu Mating Habits

By RLogue177, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

This week, the PCs will be assaulting a small Imperial research facility. The PC who has recently taken the Force Sensitive Emergent spec has learned there is some midichlorian research going on there.

That's not, of course, the only research project going on there. Other projects include:

Nexu mating habits. (There will be a couple horny nexu in cages. Sure hope the power in the facility doesn't go down...)

Droid emotions. Do droids have actual emotions, or are they just programmed to act that way. (There could be a psychotic droid there in an unpowered state.)

What else? I could use a couple more. They could be somewhat ridiculous like the two above, or could be quite serious.

Whacha got for me?

Shame on you! I expected some tasteful documentaries.

Jokes aside:

- rakghoul revival (Ice Station Zulu)

- intelligence enchancing on Gamorreans (Rogue Squadron)

Possible spoiler for later adventures... Un-named planets deleted from the the galactic map... (Nexuses of Power)

...Effects of prolonged cybernetic head set use (Lobo is it from RoTJ?)

Project Revenant: Reanimating necrotic tissue :D (death troopers)

PTSD for Stormtrooper/Imperial Army veterans - although this one is too much real worldy and a bit 'off' IMO

A hypothetical article from a Hyperlane Scout titled 'Blips and Shadows. Subtitled: Are there creatures living in hyperspace?'

and a joke/SW porno biog - 'Lekku Ladies subtitled: My Time amongst Twi'lek Call Girls'

Edited by ExpandingUniverse