I wonder why is FFG not addressing the supremely overpowered nature of blocking with allies. I have just finished searching through all official encounter cards in marvelcdb and I've found out that outside of Rhino and Wrecking Crue (2 of the easiest villians for other reasons) no one has built-in Overkill or Overkill granting attachments. No modulars add this capability in a reliable way either (surprised Experimental Weapons or Weapon Master don't have any overkill interactions). Kree Fanatic is the only modular that lowers the impact of ally blockers (two overkill granting treacheries and negative effects when an allied character is defeated). I'd love to see more modulars like the Kree Fanatic one.
Has anybody created home-made rules to address this? Or even further, fan made encounter cards to address it? Our playing group limited the ally number people can have in their decks to 3 for all aspects but Leadership and 5 for the later, because even Expert Klaw with Doomsday Chair and Masters of Evil is a piece of cake otherwise...