Few Questions - Guard and Skills

By Nezabyte, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

A couple more newbie questions:

1) Can you have more than 3 skills? Like when you purchase a skill from the shop

2) What is the range restriction for guard? Limited by equipped weapon or something?

Nezabyte said:

A couple more newbie questions:

1) Can you have more than 3 skills? Like when you purchase a skill from the shop

2) What is the range restriction for guard? Limited by equipped weapon or something?

1) IIRC the skill limit in both vanilla and RtL/SoB Descent is 5.

2) No restrictions other than you have to follow the normal rules for making a ranged attack.

Just to be sure, does that mean you can make a "ranged" guard even if you're holding a melee-only weapon? Or is it essentially a regular attack?

There is no skill limit in regular Descent, only in the extended campaign. You'd have a very hard time amassing enough money to buy more than one or two extra skills in vanilla, though.

A Guard attack works exactly like a normal attack, except it's made during the overlord's turn. You can make it whenever you want, against any target that you could attack if it were your turn, following all the normal rules.

Nezabyte said:

Just to be sure, does that mean you can make a "ranged" guard even if you're holding a melee-only weapon? Or is it essentially a regular attack?

No, it's a regular attack with whatever weapon you have equipped.

Thanks all for the answers. I came up with another question, so I'm just going to use this same thread.

Am I correct that order tokens reset every turn, regardless of whether they were used?

Nezabyte said:

Thanks all for the answers. I came up with another question, so I'm just going to use this same thread.

Am I correct that order tokens reset every turn, regardless of whether they were used?

No. Each order specifically says when it is removed in the rulebook, and those are the only conditions on which it gets removed. Having said that, all of the orders except Aim do explicitly mention "the start of the hero's next turn" as a condition to remove the order. Aim will remain until the hero moves, which is significant because it means you can use last turn's Aim on this turn's attack (or one of this turn's attacks) as long as you do so before moving.

Also note that although Guard technically stays until the hero in question activates, the Guard rules specifically say the interrupt can only be used during the OL's turn. So he can't let a different hero go first and THEN interrupt attack before his own turn starts.

Not necessarily. Each of the four orders has different conditions for removal. From the JitD rules:

An aim order stays with a hero until removed by one of the following events: 1) the hero takes one or more wounds, 2) the hero moves one or more spaces, 3) the hero changes his equipped items, or 4) the hero uses the order to make an aimed attack.

A dodge order stays with a hero until the start of his next turn, which means that he can “dodge” multiple attacks.

A guard order stays with a hero until removed by one of the following events: 1) the hero takes one or more wounds, 2) the beginning of the hero’s next turn, or 3) the hero uses the order to make an interrupt attack.

A rest order stays with a hero until removed by one of the following events: 1) the hero takes one or more wounds, or 2) the beginning of the hero’s next turn, when it is used to restore the hero’s fatigue.

Dodge, Guard, and Rest orders are all removed at the start of the hero's next turn, whether they were "used" or not, but Aim orders can be kept longer.

EDIT: I'm too slow, but posting anyway to include the rulebook quotes.