New Republic player 1st list advice

By buckero0, in Star Wars: Armada Fleet Builds

So I played several years ago mostly with the Rebels.

I'm getting back into the game with Republic and need some help with sorting my list, understanding rules changes, etc

102 Acclamator 1 -Obi Wan - Hyperspace Rings, Expanded Hanger Bay (plan is to give my slow bombers scout)

(3) 44 Consular Armed Cruiser -Aux shields Team, External Racks (mini torpedo boat maybe? Am I wrong in thinking I can do engineering with these the 1st 2 rounds and buff their Side Shields before engaging the enemy?)

56 Consular Charger Aux Shields Team, Dual Turbolaser Turrets, Swift Return

3 Arc 170

2 V19 escorts

1 Delta 7 and Luninara Unduli

no takers?

No one has a comment?

14 hours ago, buckero0 said:

no takers?

No one has a comment?

The forums are closing in a few weeks and lots of people have moved to BoardGameGeek's forum. You might have better luck there.

Will you have the range to control your Arc170s without boosted comms if you're using Hyperspace Rings to put them ahead of your fleet?

So you're saying I should have jumped ship before the water hit my ankles?

On 12/24/2020 at 7:24 PM, buckero0 said:

102 Acclamator 1 -Obi Wan - Hyperspace Rings, Expanded Hanger Bay (plan is to give my slow bombers scout)

(3) 44 Consular Armed Cruiser -Aux shields Team, External Racks (mini torpedo boat maybe? Am I wrong in thinking I can do engineering with these the 1st 2 rounds and buff their Side Shields before engaging the enemy?)

56 Consular Charger Aux Shields Team, Dual Turbolaser Turrets, Swift Return

3 Arc 170

2 V19 escorts

1 Delta 7 and Luninara Unduli

I'm happy to weigh in!

The Acclamator is looking a little bare; there's nothing wrong with flying it cheap, but I'd have a hard time leaving the weapons team and ordnance slot empty. Just Ordnance Experts / Veteran Gunners + External Racks do so much to make it a scarier combat ship. I'd also hope you have a plan for commanding those squads reliably; the ARC-170s are slow and won't necessarily be starting near the cruiser. If you can't free up a slot for Boosted Comms, Flight Commander could work. Just bear in mind you won't have a ton of flexibility to nav without Bail (he's probably a better choice than Kenobi here), and speed 3 is close to a straight line. Nevoota Bee is really really good for a carrier. Like worth making space for.

Aux Shield Team: it's good on most things, but I'm not sold on it here. It's going to take 2 rounds to make it work, and even if you aren't navving (which is an if) you want the tokens: nav for better speed changes later, CF because it's the only dice control you have, maybe even squadron because you have more squads than you can command. Raid makes free early dials even harder; Dooku will be able to cripple ASTs, either through hitting repair or making you take a nav token. And lastly, once those extra shields are in place they're tied to a single redirect that your opponent will prioritize shutting down anyway because of Obi-Wan. If you're really set on it, Bail should be in the admiral's chair to grant the necessary dials. But if you just want to fill the support team, you could do 4 FCTs for the ARC-170s (allowing for Boosted Comms on the flagship instead of the Rings.) Or Medical Team if you like to gamble. Or 1-2 copies of Engine Techs because speed is fun...

Fighters: there are a lot of them given the carrier potential. It's worth squeezing in Hondo somewhere so the Acclamator can push 5 squads on a key turn or circumvent Raid. Plo is probably better than Luminara; she's much more restrictive to use in this new-intel environment, and doesn't even do quite as much damage (Adept 1 vs. 2.) Plus Torrents are eligible for Swarm on their Counter. Even numbers of squads are better than odd in a vacuum, but the points add up a little awkwardly for that; spamming generics or taking elite squads could work though.

There are a ton of different directions you could take this, but here's one idea:

Name: Untitled Fleet
Faction: Republic
Commander: Bail Organa

Assault: Surprise Attack
Defense: Hyperspace Assault
Navigation: Superior Positions

Acclamator I (66)
• Flight Commander (3)
• Flight Controllers (6)
• Hyperspace Rings (3)
• Expanded Hangar Bay (5)
• External Racks (4)
• Nevoota Bee (5)
= 92 Points

Consular Charger C70 (45)
• Bail Organa (28)
• Radiant VII (1)
• Munitions Resupply (3)
= 77 Points

Consular Armed Cruiser (37)
• External Racks (4)
• Swift Return (3)
= 44 Points

Consular Armed Cruiser (37)
• Hondo Ohnaka (2)
• External Racks (4)
= 43 Points

Consular Armed Cruiser (37)
• External Racks (4)
= 41 Points

• 3 x ARC-170 Starfighter Squadron (45)
• Ahsoka Tano (23)
• Anakin Skywalker (19)
• Kickback (16)
= 103 Points

Total Points: 400

Hope this helps!

Edited by The Jabbawookie