River questions

By FelixFenix, in Lore Discussion

I know that the Drowned Merchant River goes from the Iron Cascade Mountains and The City of Rich Frog. But what is the name of it’s tributary that goes from Violence Behind Courtliness City to the Ocean?


According to atlas of Rokugan, also Drowned Merchant river. Which makes no sense.


Thanks Magnus and Happy Holiday!

The lake was there even in previous editions, but I can't find a name for it.

Merry Christmas to you too.

The lake was never named I think. Only the waterfall.

As for the river it wasn't even there in previous editions. A quick check show it first appeared in the Atlas of Rokugan.

Does that river really cut through the Spine of the World Mountains? Seems to me that there is a river that runs down from the Spine of the World to the City of the Rich Frog, then turns East to join that river flowing from the Falls in Phoenix Lands at Violence Behind Courtliness City before emptying into the Sea of Amaterasu between the Valley of the Centipede and the Palace of the Emerald Champion. The river running south through Scorpion land should be a completely different river. Or am I reading that map wrong?

Edited by neilcell

It’s the map from the Core Rulebook. I cannot distinguish well if the river goes behind the Spine of the World and the River of Gold starts at the Mountains. Need a pair of glasses.

Edited by FelixFenix