Hello all. Recently one of my players mentioned having multiple attacks in one turn, like in DnD. Is there a way to do this? (like a talent or something?)
If not, I'll just make a custom talent.
Hello all. Recently one of my players mentioned having multiple attacks in one turn, like in DnD. Is there a way to do this? (like a talent or something?)
If not, I'll just make a custom talent.
Linked item quality for weapons. Saber Swarm talent lets the character have Linked on a lightsaber attack. Double-Bladed Lightsaber also, already has the Linked item quality.
The only other way that I am ware of (keep in mind that I am new too) is two-weapon fighting.
Why do you think you need to make a Talent for this?
There are no classes like in D&D (which is why Fighters need more attacks - to be as good as magic users). Damage does not work in this system like it does in D&D. Nor does armor. Relative progression does not follow even close to the same arc as in D&D. The action economy is different.
The entire mechanical balance of combat in the game is completely un-D&D-like.
Giving a player multiple attacks (aka, essentially, actions) per round is gonna break the game. Guaranteed.
As @SuperWookie mentioned, there are built in, balanced-to-this-system ways to "get more attacks"/increase your damage output.
Going outside of those is inadvisable, because as mentioned - this isn't D&D.
17 hours ago, oh_grapes said:Hello all. Recently one of my players mentioned having multiple attacks in one turn, like in DnD. Is there a way to do this? (like a talent or something?)
If not, I'll just make a custom talent.
The closest thing to getting extra attacks are the rules for attacking with two weapons and the Linked and Autofire weapon qualities (as well as a small handful of talents that replicate those qualities such as Saber Swarm and Sarlacc Sweep). There's also a couple signature abilities that let a PC of a specific career be able to mow through multiple baddies at once, but those are akin to high level (mid to high teens) D&D class features in comparison.
Generally speaking, combat in this system is designed so that each successful attack is going to far more meaningful than most single attacks are in D&D, so the need for extra attacks is much less. The game was intended for combat to be fairly quick to resolve on top of being dangerous, rarely taking more than a few rounds for most combat encounters to be resolved but always with the risk of the PCs being badly injured afterwards.
Autofire is widely considered to be fairly broken in terms of game mechanics, as a highly skilled shooter can hit multiple targets with a single combat check on top of the majority of weapons that have Autofire also having a very high damage rating. Linked isn't nearly as bad, since you're limited on the number of extra hits (usually one for most character scale weapons) and the extra attack has to be against the same target as the initial attack, though Saber Swarm starts pushing things between higher Linked ratings and the simple fact that lightsabers are fairly powerful weapons in this system (especially if a PC is able to extensively mod their saber's crystal).
18 minutes ago, Donovan Morningfire said:Autofire is widely considered to be fairly broken in terms of game mechanics, as a highly skilled shooter can hit multiple targets with a single combat check .
Hi Donovan, been awhile since I've seen your posts!
I'd like to add that most people don't object to Autofire hitting multiple targets; they object to it hitting one target over and over with a single (usually Jury Rigged) attack while not hitting any friendlies nearby.
Others have already suggested some good alternatives. I think the devs shied away from a D&D style of multiple attacks for a few major reasons. The first being that this game uses a dice pool rather than a single dice. Gathering and interpreting dice take quite a bit of time (especially that latter). Furthermore, multiple rolls yield multiple secondary results. Again, these secondary results must be interpreted, but also can be exploited. For instance, you can choose to attack a much easier target in order to fish for advantages and triumphs in order to stack upgrades and boosts. This particular strategy would get out-of-hand if the rules regularly allowed for multiple rolls in the same turn.
The warrior signature lets you do something akin to this if you want it in the litteral sense.
If you're using a vibro sword and have the precision strike talents then you can reliably hit more than once as well.
16 hours ago, Luahk said:If you're using a vibro sword and have the precision strike talents then you can reliably hit more than once as well.
To clarify your statement for anyone unfamiliar with the talent, it's by using Precision Strike to select the Overpowered crit, which allows another attack using the same dice pool.
On 12/23/2020 at 6:29 AM, Donovan Morningfire said:I am a giant *******
Yes, yes you are.