Community Effort - Save the official rulings !!!

By banania, in The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game

Hello community,

As you all now by now, FFG forums will be shutting down . Thus, a lot of interesting information and official rulings given by designers in the rules section could be lost.

A community effort is undertaken, you can fill in that form, here with all the rulings you might find/know of in those forums:

All of those rulings will be made available on the Quest Companion when this is over.

Thank you for your help.

Thanks for getting the ball rolling, banania!

A very useful contribution.

The Wayback Machine and other such generalized services are great, but for rulings in particular, a Redditor (@doom2wad there) has gone above and beyond and wrote a webcrawler that scraped the forums here for mentions of "Caleb":

There's still a lot of work to be done to filter through this and convert the data into a more usable form, but it's an incredible start, and those of us sticking with the game will all be in doom2wad's debt someday.