More than one Trap?

By Wanderer999, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Can an OL play more than 1 Trap on an event?

For example: When a player opens a chest, the OL plays Curse of the Monkey God and Explosive Rune.

Or another example: Paralyzing Gas being played on a player who opened a door, followed by Exploding Door, stunning the player and damaging him further.

Wanderer999 said:

Can an OL play more than 1 Trap on an event?

No - you can never play more than one card on any triggering event. For example, no Charge and Rage, because you play both on the activation of the monster.

Wanderer999 said:

Can an OL play more than 1 Trap on an event?

For example: When a player opens a chest, the OL plays Curse of the Monkey God and Explosive Rune.

Or another example: Paralyzing Gas being played on a player who opened a door, followed by Exploding Door, stunning the player and damaging him further.

Its one card per triggering event. So you can't play Curse of the Monkey God immediately followed by Explosive Rune.

However, it possible to "chain" trap cards depending on their action. For example, I once played the Treachery version of Mimic that gives an Ogre on a hero opening a chest. The Ogre activates, hits him, knocks him back. He legally enters the last space, I played Crushing Block on him.

So you do fun things like that. Had I the card, I'm pretty sure I could have also played a pit trap on him when he entered the space after being moved by the Crushing Block.

Cymbaline said:

No - you can never play more than one card on any triggering event. For example, no Charge and Rage, because you play both on the activation of the monster.

That's not quite correct. You can't play more than one Event card per triggering event, and you can't play more than one Trap card per triggering event, but you can play one Event card and one Trap card (and other types of cards) in response to a single event...though the only case I can think of where this comes up is "at the start of your turn."

But you can play a spawn card, a power card, an event card (like Gust of Wind) and a trap card (like Dark Charm) all "at the start of your turn" (in any order).

See the italic "Important" notes for each overlord card type, pages 11-12.