Lately, I've been enjoying playing some "fat aces" lists in my local online groups. Generally, these lists are notable for including a small number of high-initiative pilots, with either lots of upgrades, or lots of hit points (or both). Some recent standouts for me include:
- Jango Fett (Lone Wolf, Count Dooku, False Transponder Codes, Proximity Mines, Hull Upgrade, Slave 1, Boba Fett) + Sun Fac (Ensnare, Predator), 13 point bid
- Han Solo (Trick Shot, Agile Gunner, Kanan Jarrus, R2-D2, Hull Upgrade, Shield Upgrade) + Wedge Antilles (Predator, Plasma Torpedoes, R2 Astromech, Afterburners, S-Foils), 11 point bid
- Variations on Rey + Poe, Zam Wessel + Darth Maul, and Lando + Han.
- I'm also curious about trying some builds with Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Wingman, such as Whisper, Vader, Soontir Fel, or Redline.
Does anyone out there have any similar lists they've had either fun or success with (preferably, both)?