Fat Aces?

By emeraldbeacon, in X-Wing Squad Lists

Lately, I've been enjoying playing some "fat aces" lists in my local online groups. Generally, these lists are notable for including a small number of high-initiative pilots, with either lots of upgrades, or lots of hit points (or both). Some recent standouts for me include:

  • Jango Fett (Lone Wolf, Count Dooku, False Transponder Codes, Proximity Mines, Hull Upgrade, Slave 1, Boba Fett) + Sun Fac (Ensnare, Predator), 13 point bid
  • Han Solo (Trick Shot, Agile Gunner, Kanan Jarrus, R2-D2, Hull Upgrade, Shield Upgrade) + Wedge Antilles (Predator, Plasma Torpedoes, R2 Astromech, Afterburners, S-Foils), 11 point bid
  • Variations on Rey + Poe, Zam Wessel + Darth Maul, and Lando + Han.
  • I'm also curious about trying some builds with Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Wingman, such as Whisper, Vader, Soontir Fel, or Redline.

Does anyone out there have any similar lists they've had either fun or success with (preferably, both)?

Hey - it's been a while, but I flew Han / Poe at a small store tournament some time back and really enjoyed it. I think I took Lone Wolf, Rey Gunner, Seasoned Navigator and Engine Upgrade on Han. Definitely BB8, title on Poe - I forget what else (proton torps maybe). I'm a fan of Han with Seasoned Navigator, engine upgrade and passive mods. Gives him a lot of options once he's seen where everything is. At some point Gonk is going to be worth taking as well!

I really like a Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Whisper squad.

Chiraneau with Dauntless, shield upgrade, Vader crew, proton bombs and Kallus crew.

Whisper with stealth device, fifth brother, advanced sensors and lone wolf

Chiraneau takes quite a long time to be killed, since he will generally reinforce, using the title to do it even when he bumps. The extra shield adds a bit more durability and resistance to crits. Vader crew can damage ships or reduce incoming fire, proton bombs give you a tool against high ship numbers and a threat for bockers, while Kallus allows for some potential turns of locking the hunted ship and wrecking it with Vader's ability + a double modded shot.

Whisper with stealth device and Fifth brother can completely avoid a huge number of shots without losing the device, doesn't worry about bumping thanks to advanced sensors and has free rerolls easily, specially after Chiraneau dies.

This list is really fun 😃

Double post

Edited by xanatos135

I prefer to find points for intimidation on RAC:

RAC + Whisper

(76) Rear Admiral Chiraneau [VT-49 Decimator]
(14) Darth Vader
(4) Novice Technician
(4) Proton Bombs
(2) Hull Upgrade
(3) Intimidation
(4) Dauntless
Points: 107

(60) "Whisper" [TIE/ph Phantom]
(12) Fifth Brother
(6) Stealth Device
(10) Advanced Sensors
(5) Lone Wolf
Points: 93

Total points: 200

Edited by LUZ_TAK
1 hour ago, LUZ_TAK said:

I prefer to find points for intimidation on RAC:

RAC + Whisper

(76) Rear Admiral Chiraneau [VT-49 Decimator]
(14) Darth Vader
(4) Novice Technician
(4) Proton Bombs
(2) Hull Upgrade
(3) Intimidation
(4) Dauntless
Points: 107

(60) "Whisper" [TIE/ph Phantom]
(12) Fifth Brother
(6) Stealth Device
(10) Advanced Sensors
(5) Lone Wolf
Points: 93

Total points: 200

I'll have to try this. I like novice technician and I guess Chiraneau will be bumping a lot, but doesn't it bother you how opposite intimidation and lone wolf are?

Well, I guess you could argue that then you trigger one or the other, you are aways getting some bonus whether you are far or near from the decimator.

Edited by xanatos135
57 minutes ago, xanatos135 said:

Well, I guess you could argue that then you trigger one or the other, you are aways getting some bonus whether you are far or near from the decimator.

You said it better than me.

Edited by LUZ_TAK

A local player who I face off against routinely flies this variant very effectively...


Rear Admiral Chiraneau (76)
Minister Tua (7)
Moff Jerjerrod (8)
Darth Vader (14)
Proximity Mines (6)
Shield Upgrade (3)
Total: 114

“Whisper” (60)
Juke (7)
Fifth Brother (12)
Stealth Device (6)
Total: 85


View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0

RAC gains Tua for easier access to reinforce, as long as he doesn't get stressed (which helps on both offense AND defense). Vader punishes ships for getting close, and people frequently underestimate the power of a red Jerjerrod boost before dropping a Proximity Mine (yes, it's legal!)

Whisper loses some of her potency without Advanced Sensors, but with her decloaking ability combined with Jerjerrod, she can pre-position herself on the table almost as well as Echo could. And since she's ALMOST always evading when she attacks (thanks to the TIE Phantom decloak ability), Juke is almost always in play.

Edited by emeraldbeacon


On 12/28/2020 at 12:39 AM, emeraldbeacon said:

A local player who I face off against routinely flies this variant very effectively...

RAC gains Tua for easier access to reinforce, as long as he doesn't get stressed (which helps on both offense AND defense). Vader punishes ships for getting close, and people frequently underestimate the power of a red Jerjerrod boost before dropping a Proximity Mine (yes, it's legal!)

Whisper loses some of her potency without Advanced Sensors, but with her decloaking ability combined with Jerjerrod, she can pre-position herself on the table almost as well as Echo could. And since she's ALMOST always evading when she attacks (thanks to the TIE Phantom decloak ability), Juke is almost always in play.

That looks quite good. I usually forget about Tua and just go directly to Dauntless , but I see how she can both work as Dauntless and also allow for reinforce+lock some rounds, I like it. I would totally choose hull upgrade over shield tho to activate Tua earlier, and also despite Juke seems made for Whisper, for some reason I find myself avoiding it in the last times, it's just so expensive.

If you choose lone wolf and hull upgrade there are a few points left for something like passive sensors on Whisper, for example.

Going super fat....

Inquisition on the move

(76) Rear Admiral Chiraneau [VT-49 Decimator]
(14) Darth Vader
(9) Seventh Sister
(13) Grand Inquisitor
(3) Seismic Charges
(12) Fifth Brother
(2) Hull Upgrade
(4) Dauntless
Points: 133

(54) Soontir Fel [TIE/in Interceptor]
(3) Targeting Computer
(8) Shield Upgrade
(2) Daredevil
Points: 67

Total points: 200

Probably dumb, but fun too.

14 hours ago, Archangelspiv said:

Going super fat....

Inquisition on the move

(76) Rear Admiral Chiraneau [VT-49 Decimator]
(14) Darth Vader
(9) Seventh Sister
(13) Grand Inquisitor
(3) Seismic Charges
(12) Fifth Brother
(2) Hull Upgrade
(4) Dauntless
Points: 133

(54) Soontir Fel [TIE/in Interceptor]
(3) Targeting Computer
(8) Shield Upgrade
(2) Daredevil
Points: 67

Total points: 200

Probably dumb, but fun too.

The problem I see with stacking 2+ force crew is that you are paying a lot for each extra force but you still can recover only 1 per turn, so you will probably end up not using all the force abilities because you don't have enough force available most of the game.

That said, I always like to try new stuff and that looks fun =).

Rear Admiral Chiraneau (76) Moff Jerjerrod (8) Darth Vader (14) Proximity Mines (6) Dauntless (4) Ship total: 108 Half Points: 54 Threshold: 8

"Whisper" (60) Juke (7) Passive Sensors (4) Fifth Brother (12) Stealth Device (6) Ship total: 89 Half Points: 45 Threshold: 3

Total: 197

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0: https://raithos.github.io/?f=Galactic Empire&d=v8ZsZ200Z214XWW50W26WWW70WW147Y199X123W240W82W166&sn=Unnamed Squadron&obs=

ther was a really beautyfull topic on this squad in the forum

i think the name was "hotroad" decimator