Shutdown the forums that sucks. This is actually a good community and a place to get rules questions answered.
I am not sure where to go or if I should even bother. The Facebook group is complete trash.
Where to Go?
Shutdown the forums that sucks. This is actually a good community and a place to get rules questions answered.
I am not sure where to go or if I should even bother. The Facebook group is complete trash.
Where to Go?
Dang, that sucks.
While there's something to be said about big communities, I like the group here precisely because it has stayed small enough to not become toxic.
Maybe we can do an FFG Forum MC Server on Discord.
The forum on BoardGameGeek for Marvel Champions isn’t bad ( ). It’s not as good as here in my opinion, but most of the people there are nice and try to be helpful when answering rules questions.
Discord is a good platform for real-time discussions but I find it much more of a pain to use if I want to find old topics and conversations.
Edited by Assussanni28 minutes ago, Assussanni said:The forum on BoardGameGeek for Marvel Champions isn’t bad ( ). It’s not as good as here in my opinion, but most of the people there are nice and try to be helpful when answering rules questions.
I quit the BGG after watching people just absolutely wreck a kid who was having problems winning with Dr Strange. The condescension and aspersions against his intelligence were embarrassing. Not everyone plays on...or wants to play on...the same level, and just because someone else is less good or doesn't play the way a person thinks, it really made me sad. Were a few of those type interactions so I quit dropping in.
Hopefully they have loosened up as it has the potential to be a phenomenal forum.
I do occasionally check in on DeckCelsior on Discord but there are a few guys in there that are similar.
One thing I always liked about these forums...not everyone wants to play Expert Heroic with the Ronan print and play mod set for extra challenge and I appreciated...I have played on expert and heroic, sometimes I enjoy them...but there are times I have been over playing LoTR and getting pummeled when my perfect setup gets wrecked by flipping a troll/surge/nazghul/Beastmaster three times in a row and just want a nice relaxing game. So I come to Marvel Champions, don't bother with heroic or at times even expert and just play a fun, relaxing game where I get to beat face...and having a forum where people aren't trying to one-up that mind set was a huge relief. Having a forum where playing standard mode sometimes doesn't invalidate your thoughts was nice.
Hopefully your experience over there is better than mine as I found a lot of arrogance, a lot of "it has to be this way" stuff that pretty much finished my interest in them.
As someone pointed out in another thread, what I like in a forum is not available for Champions, this was the closest to what I like personally, so seeing it close is likely the final nail in my Marvel Champions forum time. Won't slow my enjoyment of it...every other week anywhere from 3-8 of us play progressive scenarios, I play solo when I want and have plans to buy...well, everything they have coming out for the foreseeable but barring some form I have not seen...I just saved 10 minutes a day! huzzah!
This is a bummer. Forums are so much better for finding information and having discussions than FB, though the FB group is alright for what it is. I'm not keen on Discord in general. BGG is mostly adequate even if it has snobs like DW2 says above me and the same repeating threads like FB about things which have already been discussed plenty and easily findable with a search (Hulk too weak, Leadership too strong, game too easy, OMG just got the latest pack, etc.). The MC subreddit / is good and I spend a fair amount of time there already. Guess I'll suck it up and register for BGG so I can stop lurking and start participating there in addition to my reddit-ing.
This really stinks. I mean for the same reasons that many above have already stated I enjoyed coming specifically to this forum for Marvel Champions. You all are great and I enjoy what each of you contribute. You all were welcoming to all players at all levels and the discussions around the questions were enjoyable.
This and the LOTR LCG forum page were my favorites. I'm not much of a reddit person but I have found the LOTR LCG subreddit to be pretty decent, so I will probably migrate to the Marvel Champions LCG subreddit and hope that one is alright too.
Thanks for a great community and I'll enjoy your posts until February!
Come on! Seriously? Do you close the forum?
I'll only say it once, IT'S A MISTAKE.
This, together with the two-month wait without material that they have imposed on Europe, will undoubtedly contribute to the reduction of the gaming community greatly. This forum was a place to keep your hype high while we have no material, without it I know a lot of people who would have quit the game (some have even quit anyway) here in Europe.
The groups on reddit or BGG are TOO BIG and full of people who just come in to bother and who don't care about the game as much as this community.
I'm sure that as soon as sales drop, they'll reopen the forum (and bring out the X-Men expansion XD XD) to come back. They shot themselves in the foot, sorry to say.
On the other hand, thank all the members of this great community for all their contributions and above all for their respect for all members. It has been a place where we can share our love for this game, learning from each other and sharing opinions. You are all great and I hope to find you on reddit and BGG, although I don't know how long I will last on those sites.
Thanks for everything.
I'm also pretty sad to see the forums go. While I don't contribute with posts as much as I'd like, I do enjoy reading the discussions that take place. Maybe I'm just old and stuck in my ways, but forums are my preferred medium for discussion. I'm not a fan of Facebook, I really dislike Discord (it's basically just a chat room from the 90s), Reddit seems okay, and I've had mixed experiences with BGG. I guess we could start using the forums on cardgamedb?
I'm probably not going to look for another community to join. I've tried discord with a lot of displeasure. Although I do enjoy most of there custom content, even though some of it was over the top and I never used them. And because of my frustration with discord, I really don't want to try other ones. I've been on reddit and didn't like how it was formated, and I've heard a lot of bad things about facebook. Plus I don't have facebook 😅 .
But I think the biggest factor is how small and personal this community is. I always appreciate maniakmedic's and BCumming's posts. I don't think I'll ever find a community like this, so I'm not going to try. I'll probably try all the other communities, but if it doesn't click, I'm out. I'm not going to put a lot of effort or try to push through or whatever.
I guess I'm saying goodbye. This has been an awesome experience with all you amazing people. I've enjoyed all of these topics(even the ones about statistics 😂 ). You guys are unreplaceable. Have fun playing Marvel Champions.
Edited by VenompuppyI already frequent the Reddit MarvelChampionsLCG sub and the Facebook group as well. I guess I’ll be exclusively be looking there moving forward.
I'm on the reddit now as WastelandSniper1776. Happy to continue any conversations there!
I'm on reddit and BGG as my less real-namey handle Sandulax.
On 12/21/2020 at 4:43 PM, darthweasel2 said:I quit the BGG after watching people just absolutely wreck a kid who was having problems winning with Dr Strange. The condescension and aspersions against his intelligence were embarrassing. Not everyone plays on...or wants to play on...the same level, and just because someone else is less good or doesn't play the way a person thinks, it really made me sad. Were a few of those type interactions so I quit dropping in.
I read this when you initially posted it and was irritated (what a bunch of d-bags) and a couple of days later it's still pissing me off. I'm not a fan of bullies in general, but gaming bullies REALLY get me hot under the collar. This is a hard enough hobby to get new people into because of the relative complexity of it, so when arrogant pricks attack people looking for tips on how to play something they're having a hard time with, it's like a giant blinking neon sign saying, "We don't want you here." 🤬
On 12/23/2020 at 5:33 PM, maniakmedic said:I read this when you initially posted it and was irritated (what a bunch of d-bags) and a couple of days later it's still pissing me off. I'm not a fan of bullies in general, but gaming bullies REALLY get me hot under the collar. This is a hard enough hobby to get new people into because of the relative complexity of it, so when arrogant pricks attack people looking for tips on how to play something they're having a hard time with, it's like a giant blinking neon sign saying, "We don't want you here." 🤬
agreed. And there were clues he needed help, such as for asking for help winning with Dr Strange, who is often regarded as too good by some people...a critique I find hilarious but also common in the LCG world. Saw it in LoTR LCG as well, people suggesting for example Steward of Gondor be banned. Here is a thought...if there is a card/hero/etc you don't like, don't use it but remember somewhere out there a Dad is teaching his 5 year old son to play and they are having a great time barely scraping by or maybe losing against Rhino on easy with Dr Strange and Captain America and their experience is just as valid as the person playing Heroic 2 with Hulk and Thor...this is not a tournament game.
I am with you, a welcoming community can help grow the game whereas condescension tends to turn people to other friendlier pursuits. As I often say to my golf partners as we laugh at some horrific attempt at a swing, and we laugh, because "I am not going to pay money to be miserable, I can do that for free"
I’ve been a BGG member for a number of years now and would like to say that overall the site is generally not like the MC BGG forums. For some reason the MC forums have become dominated by a very set mindset and any discussion that deviates from that is met with dog-piling. It’s bizarre how many times I’ve seen people post “credentials” along the lines of “I’ve played hundreds of matches with X using nothing but Y” to somehow justify a stance.
1 hour ago, Ryan Shrieves said:I’ve been a BGG member for a number of years now and would like to say that overall the site is generally not like the MC BGG forums. For some reason the MC forums have become dominated by a very set mindset and any discussion that deviates from that is met with dog-piling. It’s bizarre how many times I’ve seen people post “credentials” along the lines of “I’ve played hundreds of matches with X using nothing but Y” to somehow justify a stance.
I have too although over there I go by a different name as there is a guy who I believe primarily does videogames...I got his email on occasion for a couple years who started using the darthweasel name a few years after I did but got to BGG before I did so I had to choose a different...most of the forums on there I enjoy along with other of my brothers has a 3d printer and I have the tokens for it which I like. Lotr, Risk legacy, for a brief time Doomtown and a few other random sections I still frequent.
I genuinely hope most people engage and enjoy them for sure. I actually drop by and read threads every so often but have intentionally posted nothing in the Champions forums. Then again, forums are much like the game in question itself...different people want different things from them and more power to them if they can maintain a healthy interaction and they do not suffer from my absence.
For selfish reasons, I am all for anything that grows awareness and purchases of the game...means more new content for me. We are actually playing hopefully 2-3 scenarios tomorrow and I am looking forward to Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch in Feb. I will pick up Wasp and likely be pleasantly surprised but anything that keeps new content coming is good.
1 hour ago, Ryan Shrieves said:I’ve been a BGG member for a number of years now and would like to say that overall the site is generally not like the MC BGG forums. For some reason the MC forums have become dominated by a very set mindset and any discussion that deviates from that is met with dog-piling. It’s bizarre how many times I’ve seen people post “credentials” along the lines of “I’ve played hundreds of matches with X using nothing but Y” to somehow justify a stance.
I do not understand the mindset that goes with this. It literally has no bearing at all in my enjoyment of the game as a person who doesn't keep stats and more often than not hasn't been playing in expert if somebody else wants to keep a detailed log of every turn of every game they've ever played and plays on nothing but Heroic 3. If that's what they enjoy, that's what they enjoy. Same for people who only play through one level of villain, or house-rule stuff they don't like or is too hard as a newbie. Selfishly, I want to see more people playing the game so that I have a larger pool of people to play the game with. I mostly play solo, but I've really enjoyed the few times I've been able to play with a friend from work over lunch or during holiday parties at work. We also try to get other people at work to play with us, and if more than four other people want to try it out, we're fine with ourselves not playing and instead helping them learn the game. We're both just happy to get more people into it. The pandemic has severely limited this, though.
BGG's Champions forum has been pretty chill lately, or at least the threads I've read are. Maybe it's just full moons or the like that bring out more of the hyper-competitive/bragging crowd?
Regardless, more people enjoying the game means there's more game produced and more people to play with when that becomes a thing again. Solo and two-handed solo are fun but the game is so much better with more than one player. I still get to play every week or two via Tabletop Simulator with one group of friends and am looking forward to playing in person with others.
It's hard to wait eight more days for Wasp - she looks fun and there are so many cards from that pack that I want to slot into other decks!
Asmodee still hasn't charged my card, so I already know my Wasp deck is going to be late. *sigh*
On 12/31/2020 at 2:37 PM, BCumming said:BGG's Champions forum has been pretty chill lately, or at least the threads I've read are. Maybe it's just full moons or the like that bring out more of the hyper-competitive/bragging crowd?
Regardless, more people enjoying the game means there's more game produced and more people to play with when that becomes a thing again. Solo and two-handed solo are fun but the game is so much better with more than one player. I still get to play every week or two via Tabletop Simulator with one group of friends and am looking forward to playing in person with others.
It's hard to wait eight more days for Wasp - she looks fun and there are so many cards from that pack that I want to slot into other decks!
New Years Day we had 8 of us and managed to in each one get 3/5ths of the way through the Rise of Red Skull campaign. I have the progress noted for the next time we can get together to finish it out, though prospects are dim...2 players are out for January and in March one is having his first kid so will be much less accessible for the next...what 10-12 years?
But I am planning a double or triple solo run through of all the quests with the classic Ant Man/Wasp pairing. Run through them on standard, if enjoying Wasp then again on Expert and if still enjoying might go the heroic route. Weirdly I am not excited for Wasp, her cards did not grab me but I have been surprised before when I started playing a hero I did not expect to like so Hey Wasp....come by soon....
(meanwhile scratching the LoTR itch and trying to figure out a "always have at least two enemies Forest Snared deck" which more than satisfies my deck building urge. Lots of tweaking to go...and a good look ahead at where MC can go)
BGG is general is sadly a bit of a cesspool. The hyper-moderation there has made it borderline unusable (my favorite being the person who was suspended for posting a negative review of Gloomhaven :D). Maybe the Champions section is better but still FFG is the much better place.
actually bopped over there to check in on it. You mean threads like "This game is broken!" and "Designers, you suck and the way you design heroes suck and you never listen to the community"? Those are two prime examples of why I don't frequent there including several of the people in thread.
Hilariously, they are among the more reactive to the community of any game I have ever played but they are welcome to that opinion. I just genuinely hope the FFG guys don't read it and get down on themselves, as many of us think they are doing a great job and routinely gush about our love of the game and interactions when we play.
At the same time, the LotR community i have enjoyed and some of the files are invaluable. BGG is good at some things, less good at others.
As an alternative the MCM Podcast has a rather small positive player discord. Several other podcast teams hangout with us there and the rules channel is always set up to be helpful. It's a lot smaller than the main discord and can be a quick place for encouragement or just chit-chat. While I play a lot of expert, the other three hosts play standard only and love the game just as much as me. It's great to see how there is a difficulty level and fun spot for each person out there. Cheers! Hope you find a new enjoyable home.