Please, after the event, make the adventure a pdf version for all who don't get a chance to see it all and play it all! And then publish it on the FFG site, pretty please! Please FFG!
Please make the adventure a pdf version after the event!
ffgfan said:
Please, after the event, make the adventure a pdf version for all who don't get a chance to see it all and play it all! And then publish it on the FFG site, pretty please! Please FFG!
Seconded! Having the pdf version of the adventure on the support page would be sweet.
I'm 100% sure, I won't have a chance to take part in the event, so pdf would be nice.
Pretty please
Indeed, all of us who don’t live in the US will also be delighted if you make the adventure available in as a PDF after/during the event – thanks!
Like I told you for the Emperor's Decree event, Sunatet, take a plane over to Portland, OR, USA and I'll save a spot for ya!
dvang said:
Like I told you for the Emperor's Decree event, Sunatet, take a plane over to Portland, OR, USA and I'll save a spot for ya!
Now that very funny Dvang
. But really most of us won't get a chance to play it and see it at the event so still:
Plaese FFG, publish it !
dvang said:
Like I told you for the Emperor's Decree event, Sunatet, take a plane over to Portland, OR, USA and I'll save a spot for ya!
I'm afraid I could cause some trouble at the airport (I look suspicious
Besides, airplains in the neigbourhood have a bad habit of falling down lately
Self-respecting Dorfs should keep to the ground, You know, air is not their natural environment (unless you are a slayer that was hit in the head too hard and too often
would be greatly appreciated while we wait for the magic box.
Please from Brazil!
**** straight.
I second this.
I'll throw a +1 in, just to show how much I love you all.
Meanwhile, I'll enjoy holding and reading my hardcopy when I get it
I think I need to bribe my local store into letting me purchase the $40 set through them.
Darrett said:
I think I need to bribe my local store into letting me purchase the $40 set through them.
I emailed the owner of my FLGS offering to pay for it and run it all three days, still no response
Congzilla said:
Darrett said:
I think I need to bribe my local store into letting me purchase the $40 set through them.
I emailed the owner of my FLGS offering to pay for it and run it all three days, still no response
Mine refuses to run any WHFRP events or carry the products for some reason, but I'm wondering if I just asked for them to be the delivery point (Likely have to pay for the service of course) and then ran the event through a local community center building or something if it would work.
Pretty please from Portugal !!!!
I am from Greece!
I dont care about the financial crisis we are dealing with here. But I want the pdf too!
plutonick said:
I am from Greece!
I dont care about the financial crisis we are dealing with here. But I want the pdf too!
Like we can see many fans what this adventure as a pdf, so please FFG make it a pdf.
Im sure they will.
I asked my local store to do it but there was not intrest to afford the cost. Only two people in fact!!!! So I went out and brought the core rules to run stuff myself. So this adventure would be great for me. Im now reading the core rulebook!!
It looks like the next weekend will be a huge weekend for all WFRP fans but wthat about those that can't take part in this event? I hope that soon after the event we will see a pdf on the FFG site. Plaese FFG make this pdf as soon as possible!
And lets hope that this pfs will contain all the news and the demo from this event (with the bonus career)!
Greetings from Austria and Germany. We want the pdf, too!
Bonus career as pdf would also be nice. I'm dying to play a "normal" dwarf career ^^ Every dwarf fan will buy the upcoming product anyway.
Currently playing The Gathering Storm.
Waiting for the pdf - please FFG!
yes I really would like to have a .pdf Version of the adventure too
It's past the event now.
Can we have the adventure please <watery eyes> (this usually works in Shrek movies
Yes it would be nice if someone would publish it on the FFG site. The event is over and I can only hope that we will see the demo before GenCon 2010.
Pretty Please!