RTL: Obsidian Shackles (enslaved) answer for the GLoAQ

By Androo, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

After a lengthy search for an answer to what is meant by "control" in the case of the Enslaved effect of the Obsidian Shackles plot card, I came across an answer on BGG. Searching the archived version of the old FFG forum it appears that it originated on the previous forum in the Gathered list of Answered Questions but did not make it into the similar thread here. I was not around for the old board, so I don't know if there was a reason this was omitted, but I think it's an important ruling that should be included. Without it, we were fairly confused about how to use Enslaved and I don't think anyone can come up with this specific reasoning via just the rules as written (as an aside however, after working through the always dangerous "designer's intent," my group were preparing to use a house rule almost exactly like this).

I didn't want to step on any toes and add it to the GLoAQ here in case anyone knew a reason that this answer was left out.

The answer in question, from page 14 of the archived thread (www.fantasyflightgames.com/ffgforums/posts/list/325/168.page):


"I have one to add as well, this one wasnt in the sticky, but its good to know. It has to do with the "enslaved" lingering effect caused by the plot card "brother against brother"

comment: Regarding Descent: Road to Legend

With the plot card "Brother against Brother" and the "enslaved" lingering effect....It says that the Overlord gains control of the heroes turn, What does this mean exactly?....declare actions, re-equip/un-equip items, move, spend fatigue....in addition to attack??

Also, thank you very much for replying to my previous questions Dan I really appreciate the customer service you are providing in rules clarifications. Again, thank you!

Most of the restrictions that apply with "Dark Charm" also apply here.

The overlord may declare an action for the hero. He may move the hero and make attacks as allowed by that action. (He may even place and spend order tokens such as Aim!)

He may not force the hero to do any of the following: spend fatigue, spend health, drink potions, and drop items. He may also not force the hero to make an attack that includes himself in the area of effect. He may, however, re-equip the character following normal rules provided he does not violate any of these restrictions.

~Dan Clark
Creative Content Developer
Fantasy Flight Games


Kevin Wilson
Fantasy Flight Games"

Um...there's an awful lot of things that didn't make it onto that allowed or disallowed list.

If you assume that the list of allowed stuff is exhaustive and the disallowed list is just examples, then the hero can't do any movement actions other than re-equipping (open/close doors, use stairs, use glyphs, jump over pits), can't exhaust skills or items, can't move familiars...and it's debatable whether he can even benefit from passive effects that wouldn't work with Dark Charm, such as items or skills that grant extra movement or attacks. And saying that he can re-equip only as an exception in the "disallowed" list is very poor form if the list of things you can do is supposed to be exhaustive.

Contrariwise, if you assume the "disallowed" list is exhaustive, then it looks like the overlord can use consumable items other than potions, play feat cards, give items to other heroes (even if they don't have room to carry them), buy and sell items, and walk through hazardous terrain (don't some RtL maps include instant-death spaces?).

Though issues like that probably have nothing to do with whether this answer was posted before now.

I would definitely recommend to add this to the GLoAQ thread (and I will certainly do it myself if nobody else objects here).

"spend health" is an interesting term used in the answer. What could they have meant?

Parathion said:

"spend health" is an interesting term used in the answer. What could they have meant?

I would think it means things like the various "Mark" skills.

Saj's Mark:
After rolling a Magic or Ranged attack, you may sacrifice 1 wound to add 2 surges to the attack. You may do this up to 2 times per attack. Losing these wounds cannot be prevented by any means.

Ran's Mark:
During your turn, you may sacrifice 1 wound to heal all other friendly figures within 3 spaces of you (regardless of line of sight) by 1 wound. You may do this up to 2 times per turn. Losing these wounds cannot be prevented by any means.

Koll's Mark:
During your turn, you may sacrifice 2 wounds to make 1 additional Magic attack. You may do this up to 2 times per turn. Losing these wounds cannot be prevented by any means.

Brin's Mark:
During your turn, you may sacrifice 1 wound to place a dodge, aim, or rest order on yourself. You may do this up to 2 times per turn, but you may never have more than one order placed at a time. Losing these wounds cannot be prevented by any means.

These are all from SoB so probably did not exist at the time (though they may have already been conceptualized), but there's always Red Scorpion.

Red Scorpion:
At the start of her turn, Red Scorpion may spend 1 fatigue to recover 1 wound or suffer 1 wound to recover 1 fatigue .

Haha! I was the one who asked that question and got the reply from the FFG staff. I still have the original email they sent me :)