Today I played a game against the newest member of Cochise Squadron after he recently moved to the area. He hadn't play a standard game in about two years, so he was pretty happy to get back into the game. Here are the lists:
Name: Leia's Hammerheads and Bombers
Faction: Rebel
Commander: Leia Organa
Assault: Surprise Attack
Defense: Asteroid Tactics
Navigation: Solar Corona
Pelta Command Ship (60)
• Leia Organa (28)
• Ray Antilles (7)
• Auxiliary Shields Team (3)
• Intensify Firepower! (6)
• Boosted Comms (4)
= 108 Points
Hammerhead Scout Corvette (41)
• Quad Battery Turrets (5)
• Task Force Organa (1)
= 47 Points
Hammerhead Scout Corvette (41)
• Quad Battery Turrets (5)
• Task Force Organa (1)
= 47 Points
Hammerhead Scout Corvette (41)
• Ahsoka Tano (2)
• Quad Battery Turrets (5)
• Task Force Organa (1)
= 49 Points
GR-75 Medium Transports (18)
• Toryn Farr (7)
• Bomber Command Center (8)
• Bright Hope (2)
= 35 Points
• 4 x X-wing Squadron (52)
• 5 x Y-wing Squadron (50)
• Gold Squadron (12)
= 114 Points
Total Points: 400
Since her point cost dropped, I have been wanting to try out Leia on an MSU and Hammerheads seemed to fit the bill perfectly. The goal was to slow roll the gunline, forcing an opponent to endure a lot of reliable fire with Intensify Firepower! or get too close and get hit with the bomber swarm.
Name: Piett's Super Star Destroyer
Faction: Imperial
Commander: Admiral Piett
Assault: Surprise Attack
Defense: Contested Outpost
Navigation: Solar Corona
SSD Assault Prototype (250)
• Admiral Piett (22)
• Agent Kallus (3)
• Damage Control Officer (5)
• Intel Officer (7)
• Gunnery Team (7)
• Reserve Hangar Deck (3)
• Quad Laser Turrets (5)
• Leading Shots (6)
• Linked Turbolaser Towers (7)
• XI7 Turbolasers (6)
• Ravager (4)
= 325 Points
Gozanti Cruisers (23)
• Darth Vader (1)
• Comms Net (2)
= 26 Points
• 5 x TIE Fighter Squadron (40)
= 40 Points
Total Points: 391
My opponent had never run an SSD before, so he really just wanted to put one on the table. His plan was to stay on the station all game and get points from the objective.
He had initiative and chose to be second player. I chose his Contested Outpost as the objective.
Deployment: I placed my obstacles so that he would have a difficult time placing his SSD at an angle from the corners of the deployment area. He placed the SSD in the center at an angle, so I deployed the majority of my fleet on the ship's left side to flank it.
Round 1: After activating his Gozanti and sending the token to the SSD, my opponent moved the SSD, turning it to the left. Unfortunately for him, this landed him on the asteroid field, giving him a face-up damage card. Knowing that my quad battery turrets were going to be useless in the game, I decided to plow forward with my Hammerheads at speed 3 to flank the SSD and attack in force at the left hull zone. No points were gained from the objective this round.
Round 2: My opponent wanted to turn his SSD, but couldn't due to his placement of the Gozanti, which ended up giving him another damage card from the asteroid field. Keeping his TIE Fighters in reserve allowed my bombers to attack his left hull zone unopposed. With the addition of the fire from the Hammerheads, damage cards started piling up on the SSD. He moved his TIEs over towards my bombers during the squadron phase, but was unable to get in the middle of them to tie them down. No points were gained from the objective this round.
Round 3: After taking out two of my Hammerheads utilizing gunnery teams, the SSD eventually went down from my bombers and the remaining Hammerhead. The game ended 400-133 (9-2; 267 MoV).
Thoughts: While my opponent was a little rusty from not having played the last two years, it was really nice to take down an SSD using Hammerheads. I am usually playing against them when Jerjerrod is the commander, so this was a lot easier. It was not as big as a problem due to the gunnery team nerf as well. But to be honest, this match was won during deployment. My opponent placed his Gozanti much to close to the SSD, which severely limited the turning ability of the latter and kept him hitting the asteroid field. The SSD was unable to get a single shot off against a ship from its front arc, which was critical in keeping my ships alive. It was a fun match though and I look forward to the next one against him.
Hope you enjoyed the BATREP!