How much glory, honor and status do you think should be awarded to the Topaz Champion winner and runner up?
Topaz Champion Winner awards
I'm currently away from book, but check the beginner game, it includes those awards, as the Topaz Championship is the focus of the adventure there.
The book mentions only an honor gain if they didn’t divulge the main secret of the story. They do mention the material gain and the xp gain.
Material: Topaz Champion's Armour.
XP: none - no titles or awards give xp.
Honour: as described
Glory: to taste. None listed but If you want one, I'd suggest the armour is "a gift from someone of higher status "(Toshimoko) so go with that.
Status: none. The topaz champion has no duties or authority - hence no status.
Personally, I'd give +3 or so status. Enough to be slightly more senior than otherwise equal samurai, but not a full rank above them.
Wait, isn’t the Topaz Champion given an invitation to become an Emerald Magistrate?
In the adventure, they all are, because of the plot they thwarted. But that's not a thing that always happens, necessarily, and in that case the status boost come from that title, not the Topaz Championship.
Equally, the PCs get that offer even if none of them become Topaz Champion.
Lol, okay, so another typical Rokugani case of kicked upstairs , then 😂