Request: Get a card database

By cetiken, in Call of Cthulhu LCG

Many of you may be familiar with the Gatherer web searing tool for that other game (Magic) made by that other company (WotC). If CoC really wants to take off Fantasy Flight needs to implement a similar tool that we can use to search for card and facilitate building decks.

For those unfamiliar with this extremely powerful tool check it out . When I want to find a Cuthulu faction character that costs 3 it shouldn't take as much effort as it does.

While neither official, nor a web version, there are a few tools out there already that'll let you do these searches.

There is Nyarla's fantastic Deck Builder and there is a Lackey plugin. Links for installation and use are in these forums.

(I realize you're posting about an official web tool type thing. Just wanted to provide that info above in case you didn't know of it)

I use the Database program called Bento (Filemaker Ultralight). There's an iP* version too, so it's mobile. I use Hastur666's spoiler xls files and the card scans from Ny(can't remember the name) deck builder to get the database populated.

Is there anywhere I can go if I want to look at cards, but am working on a project that, until finished, will leave me without any room to download stuff?

What I'm really looking for is something like L5R's, where cards can be sorted from any set with ease. Does anything like that exist for CoC? has become a popular resource for Warhammer Invasion LCG (it also supports MtG and WOW). You could contact the administrators/developers to see if they would add CoC.

I kinda like this one.