Wondering how weird I am compared to everyone š
I played Games workshop & others games for years so I understand playing miniature games cost a lot of money. But when my gaming group drifted apart and I sold lots of my stuff but keep some just in case my boys ever wanted to play. When my youngest told me he wanted to play X wing I dusted off some old GW stuff and traded it for a few X wing 1.0 collections from players getting out of the game without fully understanding what I was getting but knowing I could sort it all out in the end.
So started sorting and not sure how many core sets we got but we got some many duplicate stuff its crazy. With 1.0 only really having the 3 factions and most of the stuff being the first waves we didn't get a huge mix of ships but got a lot core ships. Which worked out pretty good my oldest likes Imperial, youngest likes Scum and I'm pretty happy with Rebels. But we all flip around to different factions depending on what we feel like playing. We ended up with some crazy amounts of some ships like 14 tie fighters, 8 X wings, 10 FO ties, and 9 Tie Interceptors. We never used that many but they are cool to look at on the shelf all lined up.
A few weeks ago my wife and I were having dinner with my wives friend and her husband. While talking we ended up talking about X wing and how he plays. So asking some questions he is part of a group of 4 players all playing 2.0 so decided it was time to upgrade to 2.0 so my boys and I can expand out games. In the deals I picked up I got a Imperial conversion box but never opened it, yesterday I ordered the Rebel, Scum, First order and Huge ship conversion boxes so going to spend the weekend moving all our stuff around. Ordered a new core set too but it won't be here till next week, I know I don't need 2 more tie fighters but I could repaint a few of them.
I was going to put the FO ties on Ebay but looks like we could add a few ships like the Shuttle and have a fun force so decided to keep them so we would have another faction to play so order the conversion kit.
Being a old school player I like Forums communication and having one supported by FFG is really nice. Looking forward to post and talking with everyone, I'm sure there is lots of learn from you gals/guys.