So, as @FelixFenix asked for it and apparently there's no thread for this. I am putting this one here where we can list our homebrew advantages and disadvantages.
Absolute Direction (Earth)
Types: Mental
Effects: The following apply to a character with the Absolute Direction distinction:
- You have a keen sense of direction and is always capable of retracing your steps unless some kind of sabotage (supernatural or not) interferes with that. You can always tell which direction is north.
- When performing a check where your sense of direction can be useful (such as a Survival [Earth]) to avoid getting lost in the wilderness, or getting lost at sea (Seafaring [Earth]), you may reroll up to two dice.
Balance (Water)
Types: Mental, Interpersonal
Effects: The following apply to a character with the Balance distinction:
- You possess an inherent calm and serenity that others have difficulty overcoming when attempting to antagonize or taunt you, and that strengthens you when your honor is tested.
- When performing a check where your serenity is put to test (such as a Meditation [Water]) to resist becoming enraged, or to realize someone is maliciously taunting you (Sentiment [Water]), you may reroll up to two dice.
Bland (Air)
Types: Physical, Interpersonal
Effects: The following apply to a character with the Bland distinction:
- You are extremely unremarkable in every regard, and others have a difficult time recognizing you unless you deliberately draw attention to your identity or affiliations.
- When performing a check to blend in among people (such as a Skulduggery [Air]), or when lying to someone you've met before (Courtesy [Air]) saying that you've never met, you may reroll up to two dice.
Clear Thinker (Air)
Types: Physical, Interpersonal
Effects: The following apply to a character with the Clear Thinker distinction:
- You possess a sharp mind and keen powers of perception, making it very difficult for others to deceive you.
- When performing a check to see through someone's lies (such as a Sentiment [Air]), or when looking for weaknesses in an enemy formation (Tactics [Air]), you may reroll up to two dice.
Enlightened (Void)
Types: Spiritual
Effects: The following apply to a character with the Enlightened distinction:
- Your spiritual journey toward complete harmony with the universe as a whole has begun to reach its destination.
- When performing a check to understand your place in the universe (such as a Meditation [Void]), or the ramification of your actions on the universe as a whole (Theology[Void]), you may reroll up to two dice.
Great Destiny (Void)
Types: Spiritual
Effects: The following apply to a character with the Great Destiny distinction:
- The kharmic cycle has some great purpose in store for you, and the Celestial Order will conspire to keep you alive, no matter what, until your destiny can be fulfilled.
- When performing a check to survive a killing blow (Fitness [Void]), or to understand your fate (Meditation [Void]), you may reroll up to two dice.
Heart of Vengeance (Fire)
Types: Interpersonal
Effects: The following apply to a character with the Heart of Vengeance distinction:
- One Clan has earned your eternal, undying hatred, and nothing will ever quench your rage. Select one Clan or other faction (such as the Brotherhood of Shinsei or one of the Imperial families) when purchasing this Advantage.
- When performing a check to strike relentlessly a member of your hated faction (Martial Arts [Fire]) , or to insult a member of it (Command [Fire]), you may reroll up to two dice.
Leadership (Fire)
Types: Interpersonal
Effects: The following apply to a character with the Leadership distinction:
- You have an innate knack for leading and inspiring others.
- When performing a check to restore the morale of your troops (Command [Fire]) , or to get someone to ignore the risks before them (Courtesy [Fire]), you may reroll up to two dice.
Musical Prodigy (Water)
Types: Physical, Interpersonal
Effects: The following apply to a character with the Musical Prodigy distinction:
- Choose one instrument with which you are a prodigy. You can recognize the material of the instrument (and possibly its maker) just by listening to its melodies.
- When making a check to tune the instrument (such as an Artisan [Water] check) or to put your Audience at ease while playing the chosen instrument (with a Perform [Water] check), you may reroll up to two dice.
Silent (Air)
Types: Physical
Effects: The following apply to a character with the Silent distinction:
- You have a natural talent for moving silently at all times.
- When making a check to silently evade guards (such as a Skulduggery [Air] check) or to ambush someone (with a Martial Arts [Air] check), you may reroll up to two dice.
Voice (Water)
Types: Physical, Interpersonal
Effects: The following apply to a character with the Voice distinction:
- You have a voice that others find pleasing in virtually every respect.
- When making a check where your voice can be considered soothing to calm everyone's emotions (Courtesy [Water]) , or your voice can rapture an audience (Perform [Water]), you may reroll up to two dice.
Koi (Fire)
Types: Mental
Effects: The following apply to a character with the Koi passion:
- You can always identify a koi variety and have a keen eye on how to keep and breed them.
- After performing a check to select potential koi for breeding (such as a Survival [Fire] check) or to design a new koi pond (with a Labor [Fire] check), you remove 3 strife.
Music (Fire)
Types: Interpersonal, Mental
Effects: The following apply to a character with the Music passion:
- You can always identify a Rokugani musical instrument or at least how to play it if it’s gaijin made.
- After performing a check to stir an audience with your song (such as a Perform [Fire] check) or to write a new song (with a Composition [Fire] check), you remove 3 strife.
Origami (Fire)
Types: Mental, Physical
Effects: The following apply to a character with the Origami passion:
- You can identify the signature styles of individual artists, as well as paper quality and techniques.
- After performing a check to study or practice origami (such as an Aesthetics [Fire] check to create an origami’s masterpiece or a Design [Fire] check to create a high quality paper), you remove 3 strife.
Ascetic (Water)
Types: Mental, Interpersonal
Effects: The following apply to a character with the Ascetic adversity:
- You have no taste for or interest in material things, and this minimalist attitude has impacted how others view you.
When you make a check to acquire gear (such as an Commerce [Water] check to purchase something or a Government [Water] check to procure something), you must choose and reroll two dice containing
. After resolving the check, if you failed, you gain 1 Void point.
Black Sheep (Water)
Types: Interpersonal
Effects: The following apply to a character with the Black Sheep adversity:
- For whatever reason, your family is completely disgusted with you and your actions. You have not been cast out and made ronin.
When you make a check with a member of your household (such as Courtesy [Water] check to ask for help or a Games [Water] check to get your opponent to trust you), you must choose and reroll two dice containing
. After resolving the check, if you failed, you gain 1 Void point.
Contrary (Earth)
Types: Interpersonal, Mental
Effects: The following apply to a character with the Contrary adversity:
- Your strong will and rigid view of the world insists not only that you develop an opinion on everything, but that you must share it at every opportunity. During any debate or dispute, or even casual discussion, you feel compelled to weigh in and attempt to persuade others to see the matter from your point of view.
When you try to convince others of your point of view (such as Courtesy [Earth] check to convince others to listen to you or a Government[Earth] check to argue the correct way of applying a law), you must choose and reroll two dice containing
. After resolving the check, if you failed, you gain 1 Void point.
Dark Fate (Void)
Types: Spiritual
Effects: The following apply to a character with the Dark Fate adversity:
- There is a destiny of tremendous significance in store for you, and sadly it is not an illustrious one. Before your death, you will usher tremendous darkness into the world in some way.
When you act without conscious thought (such as Meditation [Void] check to understand the role Fate has chosen for you or a Martial Arts [Void] check to attack without regard), you must choose and reroll two dice containing
. After resolving the check, if you failed, you gain 1 Void point.
Epilepsy (Fire)
Types: Physical, Mental
Effects: The following apply to a character with the Epilepsy adversity:
- You possess a rare and poorly understood condition that causes you to experience seizures from time to time, consisting of a trance-like state, rigid muscle spasms, and frothing at the mouth. These are brought on by high stress or flashing lights, such as fireworks displays. You Unmask by Exposing an Opening.
When you act in a high stakes situation (such as Martial Arts [Fire] check to attack aggressively during a duel or a Performance [Fire] check to perform in front of someone of significantly higher Status), you must choose and reroll two dice containing
. After resolving the check, if you failed, you gain 1 Void point.
Small (Earth)
Types: Physical
Effects: The following apply to a character with the Epilepsy adversity:
- You are noticeably smaller than average for a denizen of the Emerald Empire.
When your height and reach can be a hindrance (such as Martial Arts [Earth] check to keep your opponent out of reach or a Labor [Earth] check to repair a building), you must choose and reroll two dice containing
. After resolving the check, if you failed, you gain 1 Void point.
Frail Mind (Earth)
Types: Mental
Effects: The following apply to a character with the Frail Mind anxiety:
- You have difficulty concentrating, even when focusing your attention on an opponent.
- After performing a check to keep yourself focused on the task at hand (such as a Meditation [Earth] check to generate initiative in a duel or a Culture [Earth] check researching a particular subject), you receive 3 strife. If this is the first time this has occurred this scene, gain 1 Void point.
Lost Love (Air)
Types: Mental
Effects: The following apply to a character with the Frail Mind anxiety:
- You shared a bond of true love with someone once, and have since lost it. This need not be romantic love, as familial or brotherly love lost is equally tragic.
- After performing a check to keep yourself from falling into melancholy after being reminded of your lost love (such as a Meditation [Air] check to resist despair or a Composition [Air] check to add allusions of your loved one in a poem), you receive 3 strife. If this is the first time this has occurred this scene, gain 1 Void point.
Tone-Deaf (Air)
Types: Mental
Effects: The following apply to a character with the Tone-Deaf anxiety:
- You are incapable of recognizing melodies or you are too uncouth to care.
- After performing a check to critique a song (such as a Courtesy[Air] check) or to play an instrument (with a Performance[Air] check), you receive 3 strife. If this is the first time it has occurred this scene, gain 1 Void Point.
True Love (Fire)
Types: Mental
Effects: The following apply to a character with the True Love anxiety:
- True love in Rokugan can be a wonderful experience, but more often than not it is a disaster, for it is rare for samurai to be allowed to marry for love.
- After performing a check whenever you are in a position where you must choose between love and duty (such as a Meditation [Fire] check to overcome your own desires or a Composition [Fire] check to write a poem about your loved one), you receive 3 strife. If this is the first time this has occurred this scene, gain 1 Void point.