Online Resources?

By oh_grapes, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

Hello all. I'm planning on starting a campaign with some friends but its gonna be online only. I already know about SW sheets, are there any other resources for things like a group sheet? And do you guys have any suggestions about how to make it easier to run?

Thanks in advance,


whoops i posted it twice *mega facepalm*

I run my game in Roll20, there you can just assign a sheet to allow anyone to edit. Not sure about any other website though since I am new to game as well.

I think you have to have a paid account to use the Roll20 narrative dice roller.

So if you don't have that, we use Roll20 for the character sheet and vtt, and Discord for voice chat and dice bot .

Alr thanks guys!

Well, since it looks like we can post straight-up links. Here is a dice roller site that is good.

I'm a fan of Foundry VTT. It does cost $50 up front, but then the program is yours forever. The GM is also the only one who needs to buy the program as players connect from a link you setup in your browser. Some really talented programmers have added this system to Foundry and are continuously updating it. It has it's issues, but I like GMing on it a lot more than I do on Roll20. Like others have also said, using Roll20 to play Star Wars requires a monthly subscription. I don't remember if it was the $5 or $10 a month that was required, but if you think your campaign will last a year or if you're going to ever GM again, Foundry would be a good investment. Foundry also allows you to import a lot of things from Oggdude's character generator and the Star Wars Adversaries website. That alone makes setting up games so much nicer. Foundry also went on sale around Black Friday and perhaps it will again around Christmas. Who knows?

Good luck and happy gaming!

8 hours ago, TMilla0 said:

I'm a fan of Foundry VTT. It does cost $50 up front, but then the program is yours forever. The GM is also the only one who needs to buy the program as players connect from a link you setup in your browser. Some really talented programmers have added this system to Foundry and are continuously updating it. It has it's issues, but I like GMing on it a lot more than I do on Roll20. Like others have also said, using Roll20 to play Star Wars requires a monthly subscription. I don't remember if it was the $5 or $10 a month that was required, but if you think your campaign will last a year or if you're going to ever GM again, Foundry would be a good investment. Foundry also allows you to import a lot of things from Oggdude's character generator and the Star Wars Adversaries website. That alone makes setting up games so much nicer. Foundry also went on sale around Black Friday and perhaps it will again around Christmas. Who knows?

Good luck and happy gaming!

I subscribe to Roll20, so I may not be 100% certain, but I still think you can use it for free. The only issue is you have a file size limit and storage limit if you are free-use. It might not be an issue for narrative play like Star Wars FFG is though.

6 hours ago, SuperWookie said:

I subscribe to Roll20, so I may not be 100% certain, but I still think you can use it for free. The only issue is you have a file size limit and storage limit if you are free-use. It might not be an issue for narrative play like Star Wars FFG is though.

You can definitely still use all the free features of Roll20 for a Star Wars campaign, but using the dice/character sheets in Roll20 require a subscription since they alter the API or something to that effect. You can definitely get away with doing everything off of Discord with a dice roller and nothing else, but I prefer being able to have everything together. There really isn't a wrong way to do it though. More personal preference.

15 hours ago, TMilla0 said:

I'm a fan of Foundry VTT. It does cost $50 up front, but then the program is yours forever. The GM is also the only one who needs to buy the program as players connect from a link you setup in your browser. Some really talented programmers have added this system to Foundry and are continuously updating it. It has it's issues, but I like GMing on it a lot more than I do on Roll20. Like others have also said, using Roll20 to play Star Wars requires a monthly subscription. I don't remember if it was the $5 or $10 a month that was required, but if you think your campaign will last a year or if you're going to ever GM again, Foundry would be a good investment. Foundry also allows you to import a lot of things from Oggdude's character generator and the Star Wars Adversaries website. That alone makes setting up games so much nicer. Foundry also went on sale around Black Friday and perhaps it will again around Christmas. Who knows?

Good luck and happy gaming!

Does Foundry include all the things for the FFG games?

10 minutes ago, oh_grapes said:

Does Foundry include all the things for the FFG games?

If you are asking if it has all of the data, no. You still need to purchase real books to have that information. It does have dice and the destiny pool. It does have the structure for all of the data (talents, gear, careers, specializations, etc), but due to legal reasons it's not filled in. If you've already filled in your data with Oggdude's, then you can import it into Foundry saving you from entering data again. If not, you have to enter in the data into forms. Example: Click Talent form, fill in the name, type, brief description. Do that once for each talent. Then when you create a specialization tree, drag talents into the form, save it. Yes tons of data entry, done once, but no other way to do it legally. Once you have completed the monotonous task of entering the data, then yes you will have Talents, Gear, Careers, Specialties, Species, all in a database useable within the VTT and shareable with others. When possible, there is automation. For example, if Species affects a characteristic, it will update your character sheet automatically.

FoundryVTT - Star wars FFG - Character Creation - YouTube

Edited by Sturn