This project started as an attempt to recreate most of the old Star Wars canon Imperial starfighters for the Star Wars: X-Wing Second Edition miniature game. In the end this collection encompasses old canon, fanon and some of my original designs of starfighters, shuttles and small capital ships game-ready.
All the ships were kit-bashed and repainted from the parts of original FFG models with a rare usage of polymorphus to replicate some details and a couple of 3d-printed and 1/700 WWII weapons. No ships where 3d printed! 😏
Every model is presented with 2 simple model shots and a big "concept' art that was made with a real model for later pilot-cards usage.
All the descriptions are concluded with the canonical status of each ship: CANON - actual and current canon) / EU - old expanded universe / FANON - fandom generated designs for the EU / OG - my original designs or takes
Edited by mefty