My hyperspace rebel list

By ForrestGrump, in X-Wing Squad Lists

Simple and easy enough to remember (I hope)

Any glaring weaknesses I am not considering?

New Squadron

(47) Thane Kyrell [T-65 X-wing]

(0) Servomotor S-foils

Points: 47

(40) Red Squadron Veteran [T-65 X-wing]

(0) Servomotor S-foils

Points: 40

(40) Red Squadron Veteran [T-65 X-wing]

(0) Servomotor S-foils

Points: 40

(30) Green Squadron Pilot [RZ-1 A-wing]

(6) Concussion Missiles

Points: 36

(30) Green Squadron Pilot [RZ-1 A-wing]

(6) Concussion Missiles

Points: 36

Total points: 199

Looks good to me, and fun. The only thing I might consider is Mag-Pulse Warheads on the A-Wings instead of the Concussion Missiles. You'd be at 197 points, so small bid for Thane or a Talent maybe.

Edited by admat

The list seems pretty solid, nothing complicated and straightforward. I would argue that Proton Rockets could be a nice choice as well. Could make being in the A-Wings bullseye a terrifying thought.

If you have it Deadeye shot one Thane could be interesting, could spend up to 2 dice to flip 2 cards.

22 hours ago, ForrestGrump said:

Simple and easy enough to remember (I hope)

Any glaring weaknesses I am not considering?

New Squadron

(47) Thane Kyrell [T-65 X-wing]

(0) Servomotor S-foils

Points: 47

(40) Red Squadron Veteran [T-65 X-wing]

(0) Servomotor S-foils

Points: 40

(40) Red Squadron Veteran [T-65 X-wing]

(0) Servomotor S-foils

Points: 40

(30) Green Squadron Pilot [RZ-1 A-wing]

(6) Concussion Missiles

Points: 36

(30) Green Squadron Pilot [RZ-1 A-wing]

(6) Concussion Missiles

Points: 36

Total points: 199

I’m not a Hyperspace player, but trying to get locks with i3 dudes is hard. The lower your initiative, the harder Locking becomes, because your low initiative guys move in first, and have to perform their actions when the enemy is still out of range. THEN the enemy moves his higher initiative guys in, and Engagement happens, and you don’t have locks. Then, on the following turn, your dudes might get their locks, but then the aces slip in too close for Missiles and Torpedoes, or they dodge your arcs entirely, and blow your chumps apart, and they never even get to fire their ordnance.

This is why cards like Passive Sensors and Dutch and XX-23 S-Thread Tracers are so important; they can help your chumps get locks when they need them, instead of when it’s too late.

All that said, @KiraYamatoSF had a great suggestion with Proton Rockets. The fact that they don’t require a lock means that you don’t have to worry so much about range considerations against higher initiative enemies.

Of course, the downside is that Proton Rockets are a bullseye arc weapon, so y’gotta line up your shots, which can be a challenge, particularly against dodgy Aces (or really, any small ship with a boost or barrel roll who moves after your A-Wings do). Still, you can make mincemeat of bigger ships, or guys with lower initiative.

You can also stick with the Concussion Missiles, and try one of the other tricks I mentioned to help you get a lock. Like, if you had three A-Wings with matching initiative, you could put Thread Tracers on one, Concussion Missiles on the others. You move in and Focus with all of your A-Wings, and then shoot first with the Tracers to establish locks for the other two, then go to town with your locked and focused Concussion Missiles... as long as you don’t miss with your Tracers.

All of this, of course, may not even be possible, because I don’t really know what’s Hyperspace-legal.

Edited by Cpt ObVus

Oh, one other method for getting locks: if you can find a high-initiative guy with Coordinate, you can use his action to give one of your A-Wings a lock action. Again, it’s hard to get specific because I don’t know what’s Hyperspace-legal, but Fenn Rau (Sheathipeade Shuttle) is a possibility, if an expensive one. Lando (Modified YT-1300) is also basically a Coordinate, with greater range. For added fun, you could pass an action to Dutch (Y-Wing), who would then give a bonus lock to an A-Wing. If any of these guys are Hyperspace.

Edit: So I just looked... Thread Tracers, Dutch, and Lando are all HS-legal, Fenn Rau is not.

Edited by Cpt ObVus

Like, this all turns out to be Hyperspace-legal.

Head Injuries

(78) Lando Calrissian [Modified YT-1300 Light Freighter]
(5) Nien Nunb
(3) Millennium Falcon
Points: 86

(34) Jake Farrell [RZ-1 A-wing]
(2) XX-23 S-Thread Tracers
(1) Starbird Slash
Points: 37

(30) Green Squadron Pilot [RZ-1 A-wing]
(6) Concussion Missiles
(1) Starbird Slash
Points: 37

(30) Green Squadron Pilot [RZ-1 A-wing]
(6) Concussion Missiles
(1) Starbird Slash
Points: 37

Total points: 197

I actually kinda like the look of this. I think I may try something similar in Extended, switching Concussions out for Clusters, which are both cheaper and (arguably) more effective. Certainly better against swarms. Airen Cracken may also get a spot in the list, for even more action economy!

The basic idea: on the turn you want to engage, you roll your Greens into wherever you think you can get range 2-3 on the opponent. They Focus. Jake rolls in and gives himself a Lock if he can, or an Evade if he can’t. Then Lando rocks up with a blue, passes Jake a Boost or Barrel Roll, and that allows Jake to Focus as well. Lando shoots if he can, then Jake marks someone with Thread Tracers, and then the Greens blow the target away.

Edited by Cpt ObVus

I have the scum falcon. But not the Rebel falcon :(

So this seems ... interesting

New Squadron

(40) "Dutch" Vander [BTL-A4 Y-wing]
(2) Expert Handling
(5) Adv. Proton Torpedoes
Points: 47

(40) Red Squadron Veteran [T-65 X-wing]
(0) Servomotor S-foils
Points: 40

(40) Red Squadron Veteran [T-65 X-wing]
(0) Servomotor S-foils
Points: 40

(30) Green Squadron Pilot [RZ-1 A-wing]
(6) Concussion Missiles
Points: 36

(30) Green Squadron Pilot [RZ-1 A-wing]
(6) Concussion Missiles
Points: 36

Total points: 199

3 hours ago, ForrestGrump said:

So this seems ... interesting

New Squadron

(40) "Dutch" Vander [BTL-A4 Y-wing]
(2) Expert Handling
(5) Adv. Proton Torpedoes
Points: 47

(40) Red Squadron Veteran [T-65 X-wing]
(0) Servomotor S-foils
Points: 40

(40) Red Squadron Veteran [T-65 X-wing]
(0) Servomotor S-foils
Points: 40

(30) Green Squadron Pilot [RZ-1 A-wing]
(6) Concussion Missiles
Points: 36

(30) Green Squadron Pilot [RZ-1 A-wing]
(6) Concussion Missiles
Points: 36

Total points: 199

Yep, looks pretty good. Suggestion: Drop Advanced Protons and Expert Handling, add two copies of Selfless to the Reds, and a Selfless for Dutch as well.

Dutch isn’t quite maneuverable enough to reliably get the Advanced Protons off, and Selfless is Just. So. Good. I’d love to suggest something a little bit more threatening on Dutch (I’m a big fan of Ion Turret), but alas, there appear to be no Hyperspace-legal turrets. Which is another reason why I don’t Hyperspace. :)

I also might consider getting yourself a Rebel Falcon. The models are pretty cheap on eBay, and some guys sell them with the 2.0 cards included. And I mean, it’s the Falcon, right?

Edited by Cpt ObVus

What about ion torpedos for dutch?

Stupid no turrets in hyperspace

2 hours ago, ForrestGrump said:

What about ion torpedos for dutch?

Stupid no turrets in hyperspace

Could do... Ion Torps are 4, right? And you have a 1 point bid... so you could drop the Advanced Torps and Expert Handling, add Ion Torps to Dutch and Selfless to both Reds, and that’s 200.

Sure, I like that. Gives you a bit more punch, and the two Selfless Reds are probably fine.

So it looks like this then

New Squadron

(40) "Dutch" Vander [BTL-A4 Y-wing]
(4) Ion Torpedoes
Points: 44

(40) Red Squadron Veteran [T-65 X-wing]
(0) Servomotor S-foils
(2) Selfless
Points: 42

(40) Red Squadron Veteran [T-65 X-wing]
(0) Servomotor S-foils
(2) Selfless
Points: 42

(30) Green Squadron Pilot [RZ-1 A-wing]
(6) Concussion Missiles
Points: 36

(30) Green Squadron Pilot [RZ-1 A-wing]
(6) Concussion Missiles
Points: 36

Total points: 200

This is what I was running last year. It was hyperspace legal then but now it's my extended list I suppose

New Squadron

(48) Bodhi Rook [UT-60D U-wing]
(0) Pivot Wing
(7) Leia Organa
Points: 55

(61) Luke Skywalker [T-65 X-wing]
(0) Servomotor S-foils
(5) Sense
Points: 66

(30) Green Squadron Pilot [RZ-1 A-wing]
(6) Concussion Missiles
(3) Crack Shot
Points: 39

(30) Green Squadron Pilot [RZ-1 A-wing]
(6) Concussion Missiles
(3) Crack Shot
Points: 39

Total points: 199

Bodhi! He’s another great lock-enabler. I always forget about him because I just love Cassian. But he could do they job. If he were HS-legal, that is.

2 hours ago, ForrestGrump said:

So it looks like this then

New Squadron

(40) "Dutch" Vander [BTL-A4 Y-wing]
(4) Ion Torpedoes
Points: 44

(40) Red Squadron Veteran [T-65 X-wing]
(0) Servomotor S-foils
(2) Selfless
Points: 42

(40) Red Squadron Veteran [T-65 X-wing]
(0) Servomotor S-foils
(2) Selfless
Points: 42

(30) Green Squadron Pilot [RZ-1 A-wing]
(6) Concussion Missiles
Points: 36

(30) Green Squadron Pilot [RZ-1 A-wing]
(6) Concussion Missiles
Points: 36

Total points: 200

Yeah. How do you feel about it?
Five attackers, all with plausible ways to get decent 3-dice attacks, little extra action economy, little damage-sharing... seems good! I might try flying in a loose formation in two rows:

Row 1 is the Green Squadron A’s, with Dutch between them, X-Wings close behind. You want to fire Concussion Missiles and Ion Torpedoes as soon as you can, and when things get hairy, you want those A-Wings to have the option of getting out, fast. Ideally, though, you keep them in formation as long as possible, so the other ships can take advantage of the Selfless Reds.

Edited by Cpt ObVus

I've never utilized selfless, so that's gonna be new and weird for me. When this pandemic is finally over I'll do my best to get some table time in and see

12 minutes ago, ForrestGrump said:

I've never utilized selfless, so that's gonna be new and weird for me. When this pandemic is finally over I'll do my best to get some table time in and see

Man, I recently made a big post right on the main forum about Selfless, and how good it is/isn’t. I started out a skeptic, but after building with it, and a few hours of watching my guys bounce damage around, I was hooked. Now it’s difficult to imagine a Rebel list that *doesn’t* have at least two copies of Selfless and Biggs (whose ability is basically super-Selfless). It has completely changed the way I look at Rebels.

You know that feeling of utter despair when your opponent throws hit/crit/crit on his first attack on Luke, and you blank out on greens, and now he’s at half, and double-stressed from a face-up? Selfless turns that feeling of being cheated by the dice gods into, “eh, that sucks... OK, Biggs sucks up one damage to shields, and I pass the Crits off to Selfless Red Squad Vets, who lose a shield each as well. Luke is unhurt.” It’s an unbelievable safety valve. It also makes it nearly impossible for the opponent to profitably joust you.

Try it. You’ll like it, I promise.

I second the Ion torpedoes on Dutch: makes him way more of a menace and your other ships more deadly if the go after an ioned target. With ion control in the equation, getting bullseye for proton rockets can become easier.

In case you look for a blocking Uwing, K2SO is your best choice IMHO.

Edited by LUZ_TAK

Don't have that pilot card :(

2 minutes ago, ForrestGrump said:

Don't have that pilot card :(

Print it. Dont sweat it.

Might starbird be a good choice for Awings here? Either fly to get a good shot, or fly to debuff an enemy:


(40) "Dutch" Vander [BTL-A4 Y-wing]
(4) Ion Torpedoes
Points: 44

(40) Red Squadron Veteran [T-65 X-wing]
(0) Servomotor S-foils
(2) Selfless
Points: 42

(40) Red Squadron Veteran [T-65 X-wing]
(0) Servomotor S-foils
(2) Selfless
Points: 42

(30) Green Squadron Pilot [RZ-1 A-wing]
(5) Proton Rockets
(1) Starbird Slash
Points: 36

(30) Green Squadron Pilot [RZ-1 A-wing]
(5) Proton Rockets
(1) Starbird Slash
Points: 36

Total points: 200

Edited by LUZ_TAK

I definitely need to get some of the new card packs

On 12/15/2020 at 12:21 PM, Cpt ObVus said:

Yep, looks pretty good. Suggestion: Drop Advanced Protons and Expert Handling, add two copies of Selfless to the Reds, and a Selfless for Dutch as well.

Dutch isn’t quite maneuverable enough to reliably get the Advanced Protons off, and Selfless is Just. So. Good. I’d love to suggest something a little bit more threatening on Dutch (I’m a big fan of Ion Turret), but alas, there appear to be no Hyperspace-legal turrets. Which is another reason why I don’t Hyperspace. :)

I also might consider getting yourself a Rebel Falcon. The models are pretty cheap on eBay, and some guys sell them with the 2.0 cards included. And I mean, it’s the Falcon, right?

Where did you hear that turrets are not HS legal? The current points pdf says Yes under HS.

22 hours ago, IridiumR6 said:

Where did you hear that turrets are not HS legal? The current points pdf says Yes under HS.

Interesting. I flipped the selector on LaunchBayNext to “Hyperspace” and tried to add a turret to something, and no turrets appeared. Just tried it now, it worked fine.

Either way, you are correct. The official PDF lists Ion and Dorsal Turrrts as HS legal.

I think I had the same issue when I tried